Tag: gold flowers
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The Ultimate Coffee Experience is Brewing in Binh Dinh: A 2,000 Billion VND Coffee...
On September 6, 2024, the Management Board of Binh Dinh Province Economic Zone granted an investment registration certificate to Future Enterprises Pte. With a planned completion date of January 2028, the project entails constructing a factory that will produce freeze-dried instant coffee.
The Stock Exchange Handover
The stock market for the week of September 9-13, 2024, witnessed the completion of several significant transactions at PC1 and VCI. Notably, a substantial volume of shares has been, and continues to be, exchanged among executives and their affiliates.
The Price of Gold Nears $2,600/oz – Will the Fed Meeting Cause Turbulence?
The Fed's upcoming meeting this week is expected to cause some fluctuations in gold prices, but even if the Fed cuts rates, the precious metal's outlook for long-term price increases remains positive.