Mr. Tran Duc Quan and Mr. Nguyen Nhan Chien expelled from the Party

The Central Committee of the Party has reviewed and consulted on the request to resign from the positions, retire from work, and retire of Comrade Tran Tuan Anh, Member of the Central Committee, Member of the Party Central Committee, Term XIII, Head of the Central Economic Commission, and Comrade Phan Viet Cuong, Member of the Party Central Committee, Term XIII, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Quang Nam.

Comrade Tran Tuan Anh is a high-ranking Party and State leader, who has received basic training and has been entrusted by the Central Committee of the Party, the Politburo to hold important leadership positions. In the capacity of the Party’s party committee secretary, Minister of Industry and Trade, in the 2016 – 2021 term, Comrade Tran Tuan Anh has made many efforts in directing and managing the work of the Industry and Trade sector, achieving important results. However, Comrade Tran Tuan Anh bears political responsibility as the leader for the occurrence of many violations at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, including violations of the law by officials and party members, resulting in criminal and administrative sanctions. Recognizing the responsibility before the Party and the people, Comrade Tran Tuan Anh has submitted a letter requesting to resign from the assigned positions, retire from work, and retire.

Comrade Phan Viet Cuong is a high-ranking Party and State leader, who has received basic training, grown up from the grassroots, and has been entrusted by the Central Committee of the Party, the Politburo to hold certain leadership positions at the local level. In the capacity of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Quang Nam in the 2015 – 2020 and 2020 – 2025 terms, Comrade Phan Viet Cuong has made many efforts in leadership and direction. However, Comrade Phan Viet Cuong bears political responsibility as the leader for the serious consequences caused by violations of lower-level party organizations and party members, resulting in disciplinary actions and even criminal prosecutions. Recognizing the responsibility before the Party and the people, Comrade Phan Viet Cuong has submitted a letter requesting to resign from the assigned positions, retire from work, and retire.

Based on the current regulations of the Party, the State, and considering the personal wishes, the Central Committee of the Party agrees to let Comrade Tran Tuan Anh resign from the position of Member of the Politburo, Member of the Party Central Committee, Term XIII; Comrade Phan Viet Cuong resigns from the position of Member of the Party Central Committee, Term XIII.

The Central Committee of the Party considers disciplining Comrade Tran Duc Quan, Member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Lam Dong, and Comrade Nguyen Nhan Chien, former Member of the Central Party Committee, former Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Bac Ninh for the following violations: Comrade Tran Duc Quan and Comrade Nguyen Nhan Chien have deviated from the political ideology, ethics, and lifestyle; been negative; violated the Party’s regulations, and the laws of the State in the performance of their assigned duties, violated the prohibitions for party members, and failed to set a good example. The violations of these two comrades have had serious consequences, caused public discontent, and seriously affected the reputation of the party organization and the local government.

Based on the content, nature, extent, and consequences of the violations; based on the Party’s regulations, the Central Committee of the Party decides to expel Comrade Tran Duc Quan and Comrade Nguyen Nhan Chien from the Party.

The Central Committee of the Party assigns the Politburo to direct the relevant agencies to implement the procedures as regulated.

Nhat Quang