The “Hilarious” Surprise After Tet: Spooky Candy Bag Reveals Countless Unusual Versions of ChocoPie

In the past few days, the story of opening Tet gifts has always been an interesting and humorous topic that netizens enjoy following.


Officially, after Tet, many young people have been excited to open Tet gift baskets and unwrap candies online. However, the journey of exploring gift baskets is also full of surprises and “jaw-dropping” moments when the brand names are too unfamiliar, and the packaging is different from the name. Many cases are so hilarious that people even forget the original name when seeing these “fake” versions.

It’s worth mentioning that beautiful and high-quality gift baskets are rare, while cases that make people laugh are abundant. For example, the legendary “KitKat” candy is now called “KitKet”.

The childhood snack “ChocoPie” is even more intense with various strange versions like “Choco Pali” and “Choco Pain” – a painful cake that makes people constantly laugh.

This “fake” version has invested in packaging and even added a watermelon flavor, but unfortunately, it’s not the authentic brand cake.

The most humorous one is the beloved “Alpenliebe” candy, which has now become “Annabella” – just like the horror movie doll Annabelle.

With the famous “Oreo” cookies, there are three versions, but none of them have the correct original name.

It looks familiar, yet so strange. The packaging is similar to the “Milo” barley drink, but the inside is like the Alpenliebe candy, which confuses customers.

The outer shell is “Tipo” cake but the name is “Jipo”, this sponge cake has turned into a strange biscuit. “It’s really too much” – a netizen commented.

“Solite” becomes the strange name “Silate”.

The boxes have one cover and a different inside. It’s truly surprising. The “Danisa” cake is known as “One of the most copied items”.

The legendary “Danisa” cake has become “Dinase” or “Diary” in a humorous way.

Source of images: Compilation