Shark Fin Watch: Foreign investors continue to sell off, with a net selling value of nearly 800 billion VND on 23/02

On the 23rd of February, there was an opposite movement between securities companies' proprietary trading and foreign investors. While proprietary trading saw a net buying of nearly 83 billion VND in stocks, foreign investors continued their net selling trend with nearly 797 billion VND, marking the third consecutive session of net selling.


Specifically in the session, proprietary securities companies bought nearly VND 100 billion of EVF, also the strongest bought code in the session. The following codes were quite far behind, such as HCM, BID, with a value of only nearly VND 42 billion.

On the contrary, PC1 and EIB were the most sold by proprietary traders, with nearly VND 98 billion and VND 93 billion respectively.

Source: VietstockFinance

Meanwhile, foreign investors had the 3rd consecutive session of strong net selling. The top 3 sold codes were VPB (VND 196 billion), MWG (VND 184 billion), VIX (VND 142 billion).

Source: VietstockFinance

Source: VietstockFinance

Chau An