Investment Seminar Series 2024 hosted by BizUni & NCDT

The 2024 investment conference series aims to provide investors with a comprehensive understanding of the macroeconomy, as well as expected returns and risks of investment instruments in 2024, enabling them to make informed investment decisions.



Currently, bank deposit interest rates are at a very low level: 4.5% – 5.5% per year, depending on the bank. However, the amount of money deposited in banks is still very high, up to 13, 14 million trillion Vietnamese dong. That means many people, many investors still do not know where to invest in order to make money without too much risk.

Understanding this concern, BizUni Business and Finance Academy, along with Nhip Cau Dau Tu magazine, are organizing the “2024 Investment Seminar Series”, consisting of 12 seminars held online (via Zoom) on Friday evenings.

The first seminar is titled “What should you invest in 2024? Stocks, real estate, gold, or bank savings?”

This is a highly practical seminar, with the participation and discussion of reputable financial and investment experts, including:

  • Dr. Nguyen Tri Hieu, a leading expert in finance and economics. Head of the global financial market and real estate research and development institute.
  • Mr. Dinh Duc Minh, Investment Director of VinaCapital and CEO of VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund (VINACAPITAL-VEOF) and investment-linked insurance products.
  • Mr. Pham Thanh Hung, Deputy Chairman of Cen Group. Experienced investor of Shark Tank VN.
  • Mr. Tran Nhat Trung, Analyst at ACB Securities Company (ACBS).
  • Mr. Lam Minh Chanh, Personal finance expert, Chairman of BizUni Business and Finance Academy, will act as the Host and moderator of the seminar.

The speakers will provide observations and assessments of the expected profits and risks of current investment channels, as well as forecasts for the near future. They will answer and discuss questions from investors and provide practical advice to help investors make decisions on investment in 2024.

This seminar will take place at 8:00 PM on Friday, March 15, 2024.

The seminar will be held online via Zoom, so investors from anywhere can participate as long as they have a computer or internet-connected mobile device. The seminar will also be recorded and made available for later viewing and listening.

To register for the seminar, investors can visit the or websites. Hurry up because the number of seats is limited.

Information about the organizing unit:

BizUni Business and Finance Academy is a specialized academy for Business Management and Finance founded by entrepreneur Lam Minh Chanh in 2017. The academy applies EduTech form, utilizing technology in education and training. BizUni Academy specializes in organizing online training programs and seminars. After 5 years of operation, BizUni Academy has a total of 45,000 students, including 15,000 entrepreneurs, startup founders, CEOs, and managers studying business management courses, and 30,000 students studying investment and personal finance courses.

Mr. Lam Minh Chanh, Chairman of BizUni Business and Finance Academy. He is the author and a personal finance expert, with the nickname “Financial Uncle”. He will serve as the Host of the “2024 Investment Seminar Series”.

Nhip Cau Dau Tu is the leading prestigious magazine in Vietnam about economics, business, finance, and investment content. Over 20 years of development, Nhip Cau Dau Tu has provided readers, including outstanding business executives in Vietnam, with the most comprehensive and in-depth information and knowledge. In addition, Nhip Cau Dau Tu continuously creates spaces and events to connect economic, investment, trade, and cultural information among business communities and macro managers through large-scale events such as the Top 50 Most Efficient Businesses in Vietnam, Top 50 Sustainable Development Businesses, Techsummit, Healthcare Summit, etc.