Latest HDBank Savings Interest Rates April 2024: Best Interest Rates for 18-Month Term

In April, HDBank's highest saving interest rate for regular deposits is 5.9%/year, applied for online deposits with a term of 18 months.


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Time Deposit Interest Rates at HDBank Counter for Individual Customers, April 2024

In April 2024, HDBank’s time deposit interest rate for regular customers making deposits at the counter with interest paid at the end of the term ranges from 0.5 to 5.8% per annum.

Accordingly, short terms of less than 1 month, including 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks, have the same listed interest rate of 0.5% per annum; time deposits with terms of 1 to 5 months earn 2.45% per annum; a term of 6 months earns 4.5% per annum; terms of 7 to 11 months earn 4.3% per annum;

Customers making time deposits with a term of 12 months will receive an interest rate of 4.9% per annum, while a term of 13 months earns 5.1% per annum.

The interest rate for a time deposit term of 15 months is 5.7% per annum; a term of 18 months receives an interest rate of 5.8% per annum. Two terms, 24 and 36 months, share the same listed interest rate of 5.4% per annum.

Thus, for regular deposits made at the counter, the highest interest rate customers can receive is 5.8% per annum, for an 18-month term.

In addition to paying interest at the end of the term, HDBank also offers various flexible interest payment options for customers to choose from, such as: Receiving interest in advance (approximately 2.35 to 5.2% per annum); Receiving interest monthly (approximately 2.35 to 5.5% per annum); Receiving interest quarterly (approximately 4.2 to 5.5% per annum); Receiving interest every 6 months (approximately 4.8 to 5.6% per annum); Receiving interest annually (approximately 5.2 to 5.3% per annum)

HDBank’s Interest Rates for Mobilized Deposits at the Counter, April 2024

Source: HDBank

HDBank’s Online Time Deposit Interest Rates, April 2024

For online deposits, HDBank is currently listing mobilization interest rates ranging from 0.5 to 5.9% per annum.

Specifically, terms under 1 month have the lowest interest rate of 0.5% per annum; the mobilization interest rate for terms of 1 to 5 months is 2.95% per annum; a term of 6 months earns 4.6% per annum; terms of 7 to 11 months earn 4.4% per annum; a term of 12 months earns 5.0% per annum; a term of 13 months earns 5.2% per annum; a term of 15 months earns 5.8% per annum; a term of 18 months earns 5.9% per annum; and terms of 24 and 36 months both offer an interest rate of 5.5% per annum.

Thus, the highest time deposit interest rate currently being offered by HDBank for regular deposits is 5.9% per annum, for online deposits with a term of 18 months. This is also one of the highest mobilization interest rates in the banking market today.

HDBank’s Interest Rates for Mobilized Online Deposits, April 2024

Source: HDBank