Sufficient Rest Stops Will Be Available Along the Highway by 2024

The Management Board of Project 85 has just submitted a document to the Ministry of Transport for approval of the proposed investment project for a rest stop at Km41+500 on the Quy Nhon - Chi Thanh Expressway.


Rest Stop on Highway to Feature Electric Vehicle Charging Station

The rest stop’s electrical, water, lighting, and communication systems must meet all applicable regulations. Photo: Bao GT

The rest stop will be located on both sides of the highway at kilometer marker 41+500 in Xuan Lam Ward, Song Cau Town, Phu Yen Province.

Rest Stop to Include Area for Traffic Safety Awareness Campaigns

The rest stop is expected to include the following amenities: Public service facilities (providing free services): parking lot; rest areas; temporary rest rooms for drivers; restrooms; information center; area for organizing and promoting traffic safety awareness campaigns; and a station for first responders and emergency responders.

Commercial services include: dining and refreshment area; area for showcasing and selling goods; fuel station; electric vehicle charging station; maintenance and repair shop; car wash; restaurant; playground; children’s play area; and other essential services to meet the needs of travelers.

The total project cost is estimated to be nearly 300 billion VND. The estimated cost of compensation, assistance, and resettlement for the project is around 5.6 billion VND.

The project will be fully funded by a private investor. The government’s share of the cost, which was spent during the project preparation phase on land clearance, consulting fees, and tender organization costs, will be reimbursed by the investor after the contract is signed.

The construction period is expected to be 15 months, including 9 months for the completion of public works.

According to Project Management Unit 85, the Km41+500 rest stop (on the Quy Nhon – Chi Thanh section) will meet the needs of travelers and ensure synchronized operation with the highway after its completion.

Rest Stop Required to Have Electric Vehicle Charging Station

According to Circular No. 09/2024, which amends the National Standards for Highway Rest Stops and came into effect on October 5, 2024, the electrical, water, lighting, and communication systems of rest stops must be standardized, complete, and compliant with the regulations of QCVN 07:2010/BXD and TCVN 4319:2012 to provide safe, continuous, and reliable services for people and vehicles.

The electrical system for the charging stations for electric vehicles must be standardized and complete, meeting the usage needs and investment phases.

The circular also specifies that the basic infrastructure of rest stops is divided into three groups: Public service facilities (providing free services), commercial service facilities, and auxiliary facilities.

Therefore, the scale and service capacity of rest stops will be determined based on the traffic volume of vehicles and passengers passing through the highway and the specific conditions of the area where the rest stop is being built.

Rest stops must have an information center, a dining and refreshment area, an area for showcasing and selling goods, a first aid station, rest areas (a covered area and a green area with benches), restrooms, a fuel station, and a paved surface for the parking area.

Rest stops of types 1 and 2 must have a fuel station and a vehicle inspection, maintenance, and repair area or a car wash. For types 3 and 4, these two facilities are recommended.

The circular also stipulates that the minimum number of parking spaces for electric vehicle charging should be 10% of the total parking spaces; the investment in infrastructure for installing charging stations and equipment will depend on usage needs and investment phases. This is a mandatory requirement for rest stops of types 1 and 2. It is recommended for types 3 and 4.

Mr. Lam Van Hoang, Director of the Vietnam Highway Authority – Photo: Bao GT

Sufficient Rest Stops to Be Available on Highways in 2024

Regarding the overall status of rest stops on the East-West North-South highway, Mr. Lam Van Hoang, Director of the Vietnam Highway Authority, stated that the Ministry of Transport is actively implementing the development of rest stops on the highway, ensuring that all component projects of the North-South expressway will have rest stops for public use this year.

According to the plan, there will be 36 rest stops along the East-West North-South highway. Of these, 9 are already in operation and under investment, 1 is managed by a local authority, 2 are being invested by the Expressway Development Corporation, and 24 are managed by the Ministry of Transport.

For the 24 rest stops on highways managed by the Ministry of Transport, project management units have organized the selection of contractors for the consulting packages for the preparation of project documents for 21 rest stops. Of these, 10 rest stops belong to the North-South expressway phase 1 and 11 belong to the North-South expressway phase 2. The remaining 3 are still being finalized for location and documentation to supplement the implementation.

Eight rest stops belonging to the North-South expressway phase 1 component projects released bidding documents in March 2024 and will open bids on May 20th. It is expected that the selection of investors will be completed in June 2024.

For the remaining 13 rest stops on the routes, including 2 from phase 1, the project management units are currently finalizing the draft rest stop project proposals to submit to the Ministry for approval in April 2024. In May, they will approve and release bidding documents for the selection of investors. It is expected that the selection of investors will be completed in August 2024.

“Rest stops have many amenities, but priority should be given to essential ones such as parking lots, gas stations, and restrooms to meet the needs of the public. Within 2-3 months after winning the bid, the investor must prioritize these items,” said Mr. Hoang.

Phan Trang