Banking Cross-Ownership To Be Addressed By State Bank

The Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Public Security to coordinate with the State Bank of Vietnam to urgently implement solutions to prevent and handle cross-ownership and manipulation at credit institutions, to ensure safety of the credit institution system and financial and monetary security.


The Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Public Security to intervene in the handling of manipulation of credit institutions

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has recently signed and issued Directive No. 14 on implementing tasks of monetary policy management in 2024, focusing on removing difficulties for production and business, promoting growth and stabilizing the macroeconomy.

The Prime Minister requested the State Bank to strengthen the work of inspection, examination, control and closely monitor credit granting by credit institutions, immediately carry out the work of inspection and examination of the gold market, the operation of gold trading enterprises, stores, distribution agents and trading of gold bars,完善 the inspection and examination system to ensure smooth operation, linkage from the central to local levels, and effectiveness.

Timely review, develop, and complete the guiding documents of the 2024 Law on Credit Institutions for synchronous implementation from July 1, 2024 when the Law takes effect.

Strengthening communication on mechanisms and policies on monetary policy management and banking activities; focusing on new policies, policies that directly affect people and businesses, such as exchange rate, credit, interest rate, savings, borrowing, payment, etc. through diverse and rich communication forms, ensuring transparency, in accordance with international commitments and legal regulations.

Presiding over and coordinating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and related ministries and sectors to evaluate the implementation results and propose amendments and supplements to Decree No. 55/2015/ND-CP dated June 9, 2015 and Decree No. 116 /2018/ND-CP dated September 7, 2018 of the Government on credit policy for agricultural and rural development in accordance with reality, meeting the requirements of sustainable agricultural and rural development.

The Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Finance to continue to implement a reasonable, focused, and key fiscal policy, in coordination with monetary policy and other macroeconomic policies in a synchronous, harmonious, flexible, and strict manner to promote economic growth, stabilize the macroeconomy, control inflation, ensure major balances of the economy.

Urgently reviewing and完善ing regulations related to securities, corporate bonds, developing the securities market to become a medium and long-term capital mobilization channel. efficient business.

Coordinate with the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to focus on implementing solutions to enhance the operational efficiency of the Credit Guarantee Fund for small and medium enterprises.

The Ministry of Construction urgently reviewed, revised or submitted to the competent authority to issue documents guiding the Housing Law, the Real Estate Business Law; the spirit is to reduce intermediaries, promote decentralization, and decentralization, timely progress in implementing the Law.

Closely coordinate with the State Bank of Vietnam, ministries, sectors and localities to find practical and effective solutions to implement the Project to build 1 million social housing units; drastically and effectively implement Resolution No. 33/NQ-CP dated March 11, 2023 of the Government; remove difficulties and obstacles, promote the disbursement of the VND 120 trillion credit package.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment continues to promote the effective operation of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund. Continuing to promote the implementation of solutions to improve the investment and business environment, simplify investment procedures and administrative procedures to facilitate investment and business activities of people and businesses.

In particular, the Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Public Security to coordinate with the State Bank of Vietnam to urgently have solutions to prevent and handle cross-ownership and manipulation at credit institutions, ensuring the safety of the credit institution system and financial and monetary security.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment urgently submitted to the competent authority to issue detailed regulations of the Land Law, Law on Water Resources; review, propose amendments and supplements to the Law on Minerals, especially regulations related to procedures for ordinary construction material mines to ensure compliance with reality, in accordance with legal regulations.

Developing and完善ing the Land Information System, in coordination with the Ministry of Construction to connect with the Information System on Housing and Real Estate Market.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development presides over and coordinates with related agencies to focus on removing difficulties and obstacles related to the procedures for declaration and registration of veterinary drugs; closely monitor market developments, proactively direct flexible solutions to remove difficulties, ensure production, promote, consumption and export of agriculture, forestry and fishery products.

The People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities closely coordinate and create all favorable conditions for credit institutions, people and businesses in banking activities, especially credit activities and payment services.

Prioritize resources to remove difficulties in business production activities, support people and businesses in appropriate forms; focus on preventing black credit…

Coordinate with the Ministry of Finance to implement solutions to enhance the operational efficiency of the Credit Guarantee Fund for small and medium enterprises.

Direct and facilitate the provision of capital entrusted to the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies to effectively implement credit programs under the 3 National Target Programs.

Economic organizations and people carry out production and business in accordance with the law, are flexible and adapt to all circumstances, continue to innovate management, enhance competitiveness, increase access to credit capital and mobilize other sources of capital legal capital.

Closely coordinate with credit institutions to increase access to credit, effectively use credit capital, improve production and business efficiency, ensure full implementation of the rights and responsibilities of borrowers.

Nhat Quang

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