Revolutionizing Retail: AI-Assisted Workforce Training Yields Sweet Success

The retail industry is notoriously cutthroat, forcing businesses to constantly evolve and innovate. Retailers are now turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a key strategy to train and develop a high-quality workforce, giving them a competitive edge in this fierce market.


Online training (e-learning) plays a crucial role in staff training, especially for businesses with a large number of employees and an extensive business network. However, e-learning also has limitations when it comes to content creation, compilation, and learner data management, requiring a significant amount of human resources.

With the advancement of AI technology, particularly Generative AI, the constraints of online training have been addressed. Generative AI not only makes content creation easier but also assists in intelligently suggesting, analyzing, and managing learner data.

Now more than ever, AI is being extensively adopted by businesses for training and talent development (L&D), streamlining tedious tasks for curriculum developers and providing a fresh and engaging learning experience for employees, leading to improved learning outcomes.

The retail industry, known for its diverse product range and large workforce, has strongly embraced AI in staff training. The optimal choice for retail businesses is to combine online training with AI solutions, simplifying the training process and reducing operational costs.

In Vietnam, Long Chau Pharmacy, a subsidiary of FPT Retail, is one of the fastest-growing retail companies nationwide. They shared their secret to success by implementing an AI solution called FPT AI Mentor to train over 7,000 pharmacists since 2023, which has been likened to a “powerful assistant” in training.

FPT AI Mentor, integrated with the convenient Zalo platform, enables pharmacists to learn anywhere through a “question bank” covering knowledge and skills in the pharmaceutical field. This question bank is personalized according to each pharmacist’s training roadmap. Additionally, managers or the training department can access statistics and reports to closely monitor the pharmacists’ learning progress and provide appropriate support or adjustments.

K&G Vietnam, a retail giant in the fashion industry with multiple brands such as Aristino, Insidemen, Kandoo, Kwin, and Bizs, and over 80 showrooms serving millions of customers annually, has also started leveraging AI in training. They implemented the AI Mentor solution at the Aristino Academy with the goal of professionalizing the training of high-quality human resources to meet the stringent market demands.

By utilizing FPT AI Mentor, K&G Vietnam can easily deploy training on a national scale, saving costs while enhancing training effectiveness and fostering self-learning among employees. Their decisive investment in modern technology solutions to train a high-quality workforce lays a solid foundation for Aristino to achieve its ambition of expanding into the international market.

The FPT AI Mentor solution is favored by retail businesses due to its intelligent and modern features, which eliminate learning barriers related to time and space constraints, providing flexibility and autonomy. It also enables managers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual employees, facilitating the development of tailored training programs and talent management strategies.

AI solutions, in general, are bringing about significant changes in enhancing human resources, increasing labor productivity, and driving business success. On May 21, 2024, experts in the fields of human resources, training, and AI technology will hold an in-depth discussion and provide practical insights during a webinar on “AI in Training and Talent Quality Enhancement.”

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Event details: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM, Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

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