“Instant Tax Clarity: Uncover Your Tax Status in Just 60 Seconds”

There are two simple ways to check and see if you owe taxes.


## Check Your Tax Obligations with the General Department of Taxation

Check Your Tax Obligations

Using the General Department of Taxation’s Website

Step 1: Log in to your registered account. If you don’t have an account, create one using your tax code and citizen ID number.

Step 2: Select the “Search” option, then choose “Search for Tax Obligations.”

The system will display two sections:

Section I – Amounts to be paid, paid, outstanding, overpaid, waived, written off, refunded, and remaining refund.

Section II – Outstanding amounts, overpayments, and remaining refunds recognized in the tax administration application system.

Here, you can look up information, including tax payments made and taxes owed…

Using the eTax Mobile App

Step 1: Log in with your registered account details. If you don’t have an account, sign up using your tax code and citizen ID.

Step 2: Select “Search for Tax Obligations,” then choose “All Tax Obligations” and proceed with the search.

The app will display two sections:

Section I: Amounts to be paid, paid, outstanding, overpaid, waived, written off, refunded, and remaining refund.

Section II: Outstanding amounts, overpayments, and remaining refunds recognized in the tax administration application system.

At this step, you can click on the “View Details” button to check if you’re eligible for a tax refund or if you need to pay additional taxes and the specific amounts for both sections.