The Art of Leadership: Navigating Power Dynamics and Finding Peace as a Boss

"Human resources are pivotal; they can be a game-changer if utilized effectively. In his reflection, Mr. Do Huu Thanh, Founder of May Su Tu Vang Company, shared, "At first, I put my faith in capable individuals, but it led me astray. It was stressful, and my leadership was hampered as I relied too heavily on the talents of my team."


The key to my success might be my gentle nature and the fact that I rely on others a lot,” said entrepreneur Do Huu Thanh, the founder of the high-end uniform company, Su Tu Vang (Golden Lion). This was shared in the Chapter 0 podcast produced by Rising Vietnam.

The uniform manufacturing company has thrived for over 15 years in the market, boasting prominent clients such as BMW, Vinamilk, FPT, Hoa Phat, and RMIT University. Interestingly, Mr. Thanh’s background is not in garment manufacturing or business but in agriculture.

There are those who are trained in the garment industry but couldn’t stick with it, while I, despite being from a different field, have managed to succeed. This is simply due to good management. Sometimes, those who are more knowledgeable in the field can demand more, putting pressure on their colleagues. Since I don’t know much about the industry, I tend to be more gentle, patient, and reliant on my team,” shared the entrepreneur.

Su Tu Vang currently employs around 200 people, which Mr. Thanh considers a large number for a uniform manufacturing company. When asked about the most challenging aspect of running a business after 15 years, he admitted that human resources remain the most stressful issue.

People are a critical factor; if you understand them, your efficiency can increase tenfold. If you don’t, you might not even be able to deliver your products, and your business will stagnate. I experienced this deeply in the early days when I placed my trust in capable individuals only to be led astray. It was stressful, and I even felt oppressed by the talent of my employees. Not to mention the internal conflicts caused by having family members working for me, which affected me greatly,” shared the business owner.

Now, Mr. Thanh confidently handles this issue by understanding the nature of operations. First, he emphasizes the importance of selecting the right people, “attitude is more important than ability.” Second, he looks for individuals who love their work and have a positive attitude and mindset. These are the fundamental pillars.

Next, you need to have a system and training processes in place. New employees are like blank sheets of paper. After training, they should grasp the company’s vision and be injected with a dose of enthusiasm and dedication,” he said.

Additionally, business owners should continuously train middle management to change their mindset and lead by example and inspiration rather than control. Empowering the team is also crucial.

A company also needs to have reward policies, whether in the form of material benefits or promotions. This leads to the next topic: succession planning within companies.

15 years have passed, and in the next 15 years, I must pass on this position to my juniors. That’s the natural order of things. For a business to have a successor, you must lay a solid foundation for them now. Owning more might not necessarily bring happiness. The greatest happiness lies in how your business contributes to your customers, creates social value, and provides jobs for many people. These are the factors that my leadership team must clearly understand. If we can achieve this, I think we will be very happy,” said Mr. Thanh.

Regarding the company’s operations, Mr. Thanh shared that 70-80% of Su Tu Vang’s revenue comes from returning clients.

During the recent pandemic, small and medium-sized enterprises faced significant challenges. Many exited the market, and some who survived placed fewer orders. We were also impacted by the decline in exports. However, our relationships with our clients remained warm. Therefore, retaining and taking care of existing customers is of utmost importance,” said the entrepreneur.