The Ultimate Guide to a Root Vegetable: From Vietnamese Markets to African Delicacies, This Root Veg is Taking the World by Storm

The African continent is experiencing its dry season, and this particular tuber is thriving.


The Africa team, including Quang Linh, is transforming rocky lands into thriving green farms in Angola, producing a variety of high-yielding agricultural products. Their focus on crops like rice, carrots, onions, cabbage, and turnips is paying off.

Recently, Cong Giap shared a thrilling harvest of turnips from an Angolan village on his YouTube channel. The harvest yielded five baskets, totaling 122 kg, with each turnip weighing between 1-2kg. The turnips were sold to traders at 1.000 Kz/kg, resulting in a total income of 122.000 Kz (approximately 3.5 million VND).

Half of the harvest was sold to Chinese traders, and the other half to Vietnamese restaurants. The Chinese community in Angola has a particular fondness for Vietnamese-grown produce, especially during the dry season when vegetables are scarce and expensive. Meanwhile, the turnip greens were kept for the villagers’ consumption. There are still many turnips left to be harvested, and the expected income is even higher.

The village chief expressed his excitement: “The villagers are increasingly motivated to work. If we continue like this, we will soon prosper and have enough food and clothing.”

Notably, Cong Giap and generous Vietnamese donors purchased an 80-hectare plot of land for the villagers, costing 24,000 USD (over 600 million VND). For the Angolan villagers, this amount of money is unimaginable. To express their gratitude, the village chief and the priest of Maiala village decided to gift a wild boar to Cong Giap and the Vietnamese people.

“In my entire life, I’ve only ever foraged for vegetables in the forest. Now, we have land to cultivate, and there’s no one as kind as the Vietnamese people. Compared to what they have done and are doing, this gift is insignificant. We will never forget their kindness. Although we still face many challenges and often go hungry, we are deeply grateful,” the priest emotionally expressed.

In response to the villagers’ gratitude, Cong Giap decided not to accept the gift as the village still faces many difficulties. “The Vietnamese people want to give to the village of Maiala without expecting anything in return. They are giving a future to the villagers and the generations to come. We only hope that the villagers will cherish and develop this land.”

“The only gift the donors wish to receive in return is the villagers’ dedication to learning and hardworking attitude towards cultivating the land to achieve a more prosperous life,” Cong Giap shared.

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