Mr. Le Tuan Anh – Vice President of GELEX Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE: GEX) – took some time to talk to us about this journey.

Can you tell us how the standardization of information disclosure procedures is currently being implemented at GEX?

As a public company, the Management Board affirms that information disclosure is not only an obligation to comply with the law but also a way for GEX to build a transparent corporate image, show respect to shareholders and investors, demonstrate professionalism in governance, and serve as a measure of the company’s capabilities.

GEX‘s disclosures not only comply with regulations regarding timing and form but also pay attention to the quality of the disclosed/disclosed content, ensuring completeness, logic, and accessibility to stakeholders.

Currently, even with much content/information not subject to mandatory disclosure, the company has voluntarily disclosed information to ensure transparency. We are aware that transparent, comprehensive, and accurate disclosures will give investors a positive outlook and trust in the company’s development.

In fact, complying with public disclosure requirements demands that a company has a transparent and efficient governance system. In addition, information disclosure regulations are not only stipulated in Circular 96/2020/TT-BTC “Guidance on Information Disclosure in the Securities Market” but are also scattered in laws, decrees, and specialized circulars in the securities field.

Moreover, the regulations on public information disclosure can change over time. Therefore, GEX‘s disclosure department always keeps up-to-date, researches, and synthesizes the regulations to perform the disclosure function accurately.

At GEX, we regularly organize legal training within the company with the participation of specialized departments closely related to the disclosure function to ensure smooth and professional coordination in disclosure activities.

ESG is becoming an inevitable trend in the business operations of enterprises in Vietnam and the world. So, how is ESG being practiced at GEX?

As an investment group, GEX operates extensively in many fields, along with a system of nearly 50 member companies and nearly 10,000 employees, has become an essential part of the economy and also has a significant impact on stakeholders.

Therefore, GEX‘s development strategy is not only aimed at creating economic value but also focuses on the goal of sustainable development, towards the environment, and the common happiness of the community.

Over the years, we have made efforts to build and implement a sustainable development strategy throughout the system, which has been materialized through many specific and consistent actions.

In 2023, the company continued to focus on investing in and developing core business areas such as renewable energy, clean water, and industrial infrastructure to contribute to the sustainable development of the community and society.

Through cooperation with a leading international partner in the field of renewable energy, Sembcorp from Singapore, we expect to contribute to the green energy transition in Vietnam.

The commitment to sustainability has also permeated all activities. As a parent company, GEX has oriented its subsidiaries to focus on research and development of products and investment in modern technology to create green and environmentally friendly products.

We have also set stricter standards for the real estate projects we are implementing (including industrial real estate projects, industrial parks, office buildings…) to meet international environmental standards.

We strive every day in every activity to participate more strongly in the green transition process, contributing to emission reduction towards the Net Zero target by 2050 of the Government.

At GEX, we encourage employees throughout the system to seek and contribute creative solutions in all activities according to the set orientation. In addition to a comprehensive welfare regime, a civilized working environment.

The Group’s leaders also create conditions for the development and empowerment of the ranks to stimulate creativity and innovation so that the value of each individual is associated with the common value of the collective.

Despite the difficulties in 2023, the company has always nurtured a resilient spirit with a mission for the community through practical activities, targeting vulnerable groups in society, joining hands with the Government to solve essential issues such as poverty eradication, improving the quality of education, health, and life for the community…

In 2024, we continue to integrate the ESG governance framework into the Group’s activities by operating the business more optimally and transparently and protecting the environment based on specific and clear principles and standards. In addition to setting specific goals, GEX will also establish appropriate management tools and communicate them to all employees and member companies.

According to the published annual report figures, it can be seen that after 6 years, GEX‘s total assets have increased by more than 3 times. What can you say about this impressive figure?

In the past few years, enterprises have faced no small difficulties. GEX‘s results in the past time, especially in 2023, are clear evidence of our determination and efforts.

This not only maintains the stability of GEX but also increases the influence of the brand by maintaining market share, expanding the market, flexible governance, risk control, and maintaining financial indicators safely.

Through a business strategy associated with industries and suitable for the company’s core competencies. Many green and environmentally friendly products have been born from modern production lines with high technology content, meeting international standards, have brought opportunities to bring products in the GEX system beyond the territory of Vietnam.

In particular, expanding the ecosystem of partners with leading multinational corporations (such as Sembcorp, Frasers Property, FPT) has brought significant values, bringing the Group to participate in global value chains, expanding and upgrading product segments with higher added value for core areas, promoting exports and aiming to become a leading investment group in Vietnam.

To do this, GEX‘s team has been proactive, adaptable, united, and creative. In addition to the growth targets in revenue and profit, the Board of Directors has also oriented optimizing the organization, building corporate culture, focusing on risk management to ensure a strong and sustainable system.

In addition, the company is strongly involved in the green transition process and towards sustainable development, associating the development of the enterprise with the strong rise of Vietnam.

We would like to thank our shareholders, investors, and partners for their support and companionship and look forward to your continued support on the journey ahead to conquer new opportunities.

Can you share more about GEX‘s development orientation in the coming time?

At the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors determined the basic strategies of investing in technology, human resources, and infrastructure; ready for large-scale long-term capital mobilization plans (domestic and foreign) and implementing mobilization when market conditions are favorable; as well as preparing well the foundations of human resources, partners, capital, etc., for large-scale strategic infrastructure projects (power sources, industrial parks, etc.).

Especially, GEX will promote the strategy of developing an ecosystem of partners with multinational corporations at home and abroad to participate in global value chains, expand and upgrade product segments with higher added value for core areas, promote exports and aim to become a leading investment group in Vietnam. This strategy is the way for GEX to rise to new heights.

We aim for long-term goals for economic development, creating many values for society and accompanying the Government in the journey towards the Net Zero target.

Pursuing the goal of sustainable development will be an investment towards the future, and we believe that this strategy will bring GEX to develop solid and reach far and high in the domestic and international markets.


Vote for the Listed Company with the Best IR Activities in 2024 for GEX from August 1, 2024, to August 14, 2024, on the IR Awards 2024 website (

Tu Kinh

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