The Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs mentioned this fact when drafting the Decision of the Prime Minister amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decision 46/2015/QD-TTg on support policies for primary-level training and training under 3 months.
In the proposal, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs stated that the amendment was necessary as the training support rates for primary-level training and training under 3 months, which were established in 2015, have not been adjusted in 10 years.
According to Decision 46/2015/QD-TTg, the training cost support rates range from VND 2 million to VND 6 million per person per training course, depending on the target group. In addition, some subjects are supported with meals (VND 30,000 per person per training day) and transportation (VND 200,000 per person per training course).
After 10 years, these support rates are no longer in line with the reality and price fluctuations. Many localities and bases (46 out of 63 provinces and cities) and more than 30 opinions and recommendations from National Assembly delegates and voters have proposed increasing the training cost support rates and meal and transportation support for participants in primary-level training and training under 3 months, especially for people with disabilities, rural laborers, ethnic minorities, and people from poor and near-poor households.
In addition, 25 out of 63 provinces and cities have developed and issued technical and economic norms and training cost norms for some primary-level occupations and training under 3 months.
Comparing the training cost norms for each occupation with the support rates for primary-level training and training under 3 months specified in Decision 46 shows that most of the training cost norms are higher than the support rates.
As a result, when implementing the support policies for primary-level training and training under 3 months in accordance with Decision 46, learners must make up the difference, especially if the locality or training facility cannot arrange or mobilize additional sources to ensure training costs.
According to statistics on the implementation of support policies for primary-level training and training under 3 months, more than 40% of the supported subjects are people with meritorious services to the revolution, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, poor and near-poor households, and people whose land has been revoked.
This group faces many difficulties and needs support in training to improve their vocational skills and quickly find stable jobs and increase their income.
In addition, there are currently many subjects that are supported for primary-level training and training under 3 months mentioned in various legal documents, and these policies are referenced according to legal regulations.
However, Decision 46 only specifies policies for women, rural laborers, and people with disabilities. As a result, localities and training facilities face difficulties in implementation.
In the draft, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs proposes that participants in primary-level training and training under 3 months be supported with training costs for one training course.

The training cost for each occupation and the specific support levels for each subject participating in primary-level training and training under 3 months shall be decided by the Chairman of the People’s Committee of the province or centrally-run city.
According to the draft, people entitled to preferential treatment as people with meritorious services to the revolution, ethnic minorities, poor and near-poor households, people with disabilities, orphaned children without a guardian, offshore fishermen, people whose revoked land is agricultural land or residential land combined with business services, female learners, and other subjects in programs and projects approved by the Government or the Prime Minister, shall be supported with meals and transportation when participating in primary-level training and training under 3 months.
The minimum meal support rate is proposed to increase from VND 30,000 to VND 50,000 per person per training day.
The minimum transportation support rate is proposed to increase to VND 300,000 per person per training course if the training location is more than 15 km from the place of residence (the previous rate was VND 200,000).
For people with disabilities and learners residing in communes, wards, or townships in difficult or extremely difficult areas as prescribed by the Prime Minister, the minimum transportation support rate is VND 500,000 per person per training course if the training location is more than 5 km from the place of residence (the previous rate was VND 300,000).
The draft states that the specific meal and transportation support rates shall be decided by the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, based on the support level from the central budget, the conditions of the local budget, and the ability to mobilize additional sources to further support learners with meals and transportation during the training period.