Sure, I can assist you with that. ## Provincial Chairman Directs Investigation and Resolution of Land Title Issuance for Citizens

The People's Committee of Hoi An City urgently directs relevant units to inspect and expedite the process of issuing land use rights certificates for Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo's household in the shortest time. A report on the results must be submitted to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.


Chairman of the People’s Committee of Quang Nam Province meets citizens periodically in August 2024.

On August 30, the People’s Committee of Quang Nam Province issued Conclusion No. 306/TB-UBND dated August 30, 2024, informing the conclusion of Mr. Le Van Dung, Chairman of the People’s Committee of the province, at the regular meeting with citizens in August.

According to the announcement, at the meeting on August 23, after listening to the citizens’ statements and the opinions of the attending members, Mr. Le Van Dung, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, concluded each case as follows:

Case of Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Phuong (Team 4, Thinh My Ward, Cam An Ward, Hoi An City) proposed: The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee met with Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Phuong at the regular meeting in November 2023 and issued Announcement No. 366/TB-UBND dated November 27, 2023, directing the People’s Committee of Hoi An City to inspect and resolve the land split and reply to Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Phuong.

However, up to now, Hoi An City People’s Committee has not settled and answered the citizen. Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Phuong proposed that the provincial People’s Committee and relevant agencies pay attention, consider and direct the settlement of the land split to ensure the rights and interests of her family.

At the regular meeting with citizens in August 2024, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concluded that the settlement of Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Phuong’s proposal on land separation has been directed by the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee to the People’s Committee of Hoi An City at Point 4 of the Official Dispatch No. 366/TB-UBND dated November 27, 2023 of the Provincial People’s Committee. However, due to difficulties in resources for investing in the green tree belt along DT.603B road and coordination in site clearance support from Le Phan Resort Joint Stock Company, Hoi An City People’s Committee has not given a definitive answer to Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Phuong.

On August 2, 2024, the People’s Committee of Hoi An City issued Report No. 259 on the results of the meeting with Pacific Investment Joint Stock Company and Le Phan Resort Joint Stock Company related to coordination and support for site clearance of the green tree belt along DT.603B road.

According to this report, Le Phan Resort Joint Stock Company has not yet ensured the funding to support site clearance for households affected by the DT.603B road green tree belt before the Le Phan Project. Therefore, in accordance with Point 2 of the Official Dispatch No. 413/TB-UBND dated December 29, 2023 of the Provincial People’s Committee, consider stopping the implementation of the green tree belt in front of the Le Phan Project and settling the dossiers and procedures related to the people in accordance with regulations. The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the People’s Committee of Hoi An City to direct the content at Point 2, Point 3 of Official Dispatch No. 413/TB-UBND dated December 29, 2023 and based on the current legal regulations to answer Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Phuong’s proposal on land separation in accordance with regulations; report the results to the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee.

In the process of settling land and construction procedures for citizens affected by the DT.603B road green tree belt, if there are difficulties and problems, the People’s Committee of Hoi An City shall preside over a meeting with related departments and branches to be supported and guided in professional expertise; if it exceeds its competence, it shall synthesize, propose and report specifically to the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and direction.

Rectification and Draw Lessons in the Slow Guidance and Settlement of the Household’s Land Use Certificate Change File Nguyen Thi Keo

Case of Mr. Nguyen Le Quang Minh (No. 232 Nguyen Duy Hieu, Cam Chau Ward, Hoi An City – authorized representative of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo) proposed: Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo’s household is currently using the land, which was granted the Land Use Certificate No. E 0109875 by the People’s Committee of Hoi An Town (now Hoi An City) on January 20, 1995. This land area has been determined again by the People’s Committee of Hoi An City and the residential land area was recognized on October 16, 2023 according to the First Instance Verdict No. 42/2022/HC-ST dated June 20, 2022 of the Provincial Court and the Appeal Verdict No. 17/2023/HC-PT dated January 9, 2023 of the Court of Appeals at Da Nang.

However, the Land Use Certificate has become old and the certificate page has run out, so Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo made a dossier for re-granting. However, the Quang Nam Land Registration Office issued Official Dispatch No. 791/VPĐKĐĐ-ĐKCG dated June 4, 2024, stating that the re-determination of the residential land area of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo’s household by the People’s Committee of Hoi An City on October 16, 2023 is not in accordance with the regulations, so the Hoi An Land Registration Branch does not establish procedures and build a dossier to submit to the Quang Nam Land Registration Office for re-granting the Land Use Certificate to Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo’s household.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo believes that Official Dispatch No. 791/VPĐKĐĐ-ĐKCG dated June 4, 2024 of the Quang Nam Land Registration Office is contrary to the content of the verdicts already issued and inconsistent with the current law, so she proposes that the provincial People’s Committee direct competent agencies to consider and settle the re-granting of the Land Use Certificate to her family.

At the regular meeting with citizens in August 2024, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concluded that, regarding the re-granting of the Land Use Certificate to Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo’s household, the Quang Nam Land Registration Office has Official Dispatch No. 1271/VPĐKĐĐ-HCTH dated August 22, 2024, directing the Hoi An Land Registration Branch to receive the dossier and carry out the procedure for re-granting the Land Use Certificate to the citizen. According to the Official Dispatch, current legal regulations, the determination of residential land and re-granting of the Land Use Certificate to Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo’s household is under the authority of the People’s Committee of Hoi An City.

Requesting the People’s Committee of Hoi An City to urgently direct the relevant units to inspect and settle the re-granting of the Land Use Certificate to Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo’s household as soon as possible; report the results to the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee.

Requesting the Quang Nam Land Registration Office to rectify and draw experience in the slow guidance and settlement of the dossier for re-granting the Land Use Certificate to Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo’s household; At the same time, direct, inspect and urge the Hoi An Land Registration Branch to promptly guide citizens to file dossiers and carry out procedures to submit to the competent authority for re-granting the Land Use Certificate to Mrs. Nguyen Thi Keo’s household in accordance with the law.

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