Sure, I can assist with that. Title: “The ‘Good Counsel, Better Service’ Initiative: Elevating Public Service Ethics”

"General Secretary and President To Lam emphasized the transformative impact of the 'Good Consultancy, Good Service' movement. This initiative has acted as a powerful catalyst, driving excellence in task fulfillment across various agencies and units. By fostering a culture of ethical public service and developing a competent workforce, we are proud to say that we are rising to meet the challenges and demands of this new era."


On the morning of the 4th of September, at the Presidential Palace, General Secretary and President To Lam had a cordial meeting with the delegation honored in the emulation movement “Good Consultancy, Good Service” for the period of 2019-2024.

Following the direction of the Resolution of the 12th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union in 2018, the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Employees’ Union has concretized the movement “Good Consultancy, Good Service” in Resolution No. 04/NQ-CĐVC dated August 16, 2019, on improving the quality of patriotic emulation movements and campaigns among officials, civil servants, public employees, and laborers. This was deployed across the system with the following content: “Good Consultancy” refers to providing timely, creative, and effective consultancy that brings high efficiency to the state, society, people, laborers, and enterprises. “Good Service” means serving diligently, wholeheartedly, responsibly, and effectively in accordance with one’s assigned duties and functions, satisfying people, enterprises, and customers. Service is also understood as serving the glorious cause of the Party and serving the nation and the people.

After 5 years of implementation, the movement has permeated the grassroots level and has been embraced by a large number of officials, civil servants, public employees, and laborers. It has been put into practice through specific, practical, and effective actions in each agency and unit. Along with other emulation movements and campaigns, “Good Consultancy, Good Service” has brought about a significant transformation in the quality of expertise, spirit, and attitude of service among the team of officials, civil servants, public employees, and laborers nationwide. This has helped complete an increasing volume of complex and challenging tasks in a dynamic world with emerging unprecedented issues, contributing to the socio-economic development, Party building and rectification, ensuring national defense and security, improving people’s lives, and enhancing the country’s position.

Speaking at the meeting, General Secretary and President To Lam highly appreciated and applauded the Vietnam Employees’ Union for successfully organizing and implementing the movement. He also commended the 150 advanced typical individuals in the “Good Consultancy, Good Service” emulation movement.

General Secretary and President To Lam talks with delegates honored in the “Good Consultancy, Good Service” emulation movement for the period of 2019-2024. Photo: VNA

The General Secretary and President affirmed that, over time, the “Good Consultancy, Good Service” movement has become a catalyst for the successful completion of political tasks in each agency and unit, contributing to the improvement of public service ethics and the building of a team of officials, civil servants, public employees, and laborers that truly meets the requirements of the new era. The widespread deployment of the “Good Consultancy, Good Service” movement across the country has brought about thousands of advanced typical individuals, of which the 150 comrades honored today are outstanding representatives. They are excellent, dedicated, and innovative examples who dare to think, dare to do, and dare to take responsibility. They have achieved high productivity and quality in their work, served wholeheartedly and responsibly, and devoted themselves to the common tasks of serving the nation and the people.

The General Secretary and President was moved to learn that many officials, civil servants, public employees, and laborers, despite their modest income and difficult lives, have strived to overcome challenges and resisted temptations. They have worked with a high sense of responsibility, practicing integrity, impartiality, and transparency, upholding the law, and upholding public service ethics, earning the love and trust of their colleagues and the people. He emphasized that they are also advanced typical individuals in studying and following the thought, morality, and style of Ho Chi Minh, and they are pioneers in realizing Ho Chi Minh’s will.

The General Secretary and President pointed out that the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress sets out strategic goals for the country to become a developing country with a modern industry and upper-middle income by 2030 and a developed country with a high income by 2045. He also emphasized that this is the aspiration of the entire nation and the realization of President Ho Chi Minh’s testament: “The whole Party, the whole people, and the army of Vietnam are united in determination to build a peaceful, reunified, independent, democratic, and prosperous Vietnam, making a worthy contribution to the revolutionary cause of the world.”.

General Secretary and President To Lam presents souvenirs to the delegates at the meeting.

In the new context, with increasing difficulties and challenges, to achieve these strategic goals, it is necessary to maximize internal resources and take advantage of external resources, with human resources being the most important internal driving force.

Citing President Ho Chi Minh’s exhortation that “officials, civil servants, and public employees are servants of the people, and what benefits the people must be done wholeheartedly, and what harms the people must be resolutely avoided,” the General Secretary and President considered it a guideline throughout the process of performing public duties. He hoped that in their daily tasks, from consulting on macro-policies to specific administrative tasks and services, each person must love and listen to the people, and be dedicated and determined to resolve timely, thorough, and effective issues related to the lives and livelihoods of the people, as well as the difficulties of organizations and enterprises.

The General Secretary and President noted that in the context of globalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with digital transformation, green transformation, and a knowledge-based economy as the foundation, it is imperative for the team of officials, civil servants, public employees, and laborers to be truly dynamic and innovative. They must continuously cultivate their political acumen, grasp the guidelines, policies, and laws, constantly improve their knowledge, renew their thinking and vision, and cultivate a spirit of lifelong learning to keep up with the demands of the new era.

To promote innovative thinking and a creative spirit, in personnel work, Party committees, leadership collectives, and leaders must correctly evaluate officials and genuinely care about, encourage, plan, and promote those who are dynamic and creative, dare to think, dare to do, and dare to take responsibility for the common good. Focus should be placed on overcoming the situation where a part of the team of officials, civil servants, public employees, and laborers avoids, pushes away, and is indifferent, insensitive, and ineffective in performing their duties, afraid to take initiative, make decisions, and face difficulties in performing the assigned tasks.

Affirming that the Party and the State will continue to pay attention to perfecting the institution and researching to renovate the salary regime to create a favorable environment for officials, civil servants, public employees, and laborers to work and dedicate, the General Secretary and President hoped that with the achieved results, the typical exemplary individuals would continue to cultivate and strive to overcome difficulties, successfully fulfill their assigned tasks, and create new products and achievements to serve the cause of building and developing the country. They should become an inspiration and motivation for the entire team of officials, civil servants, public employees, and laborers nationwide.

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