Unveiling the Secrets: Unraveling Land Irregularities in Bac Lieu

The Inspectorate of Bac Lieu province has issued Inspection Conclusion No. 73, recommending the transfer of land-related violations by agencies, organizations, and individuals to investigative authorities. The decision was made due to the presence of criminal indicators, suggesting potential criminal activity in land management.


The inspection conclusion above states that the Bac Lieu Provincial Inspectorate inspected the compliance with laws in the implementation of the Project on building a system of land dossiers and a database management land at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment; the work of granting certificates of land use rights, ownership of houses and other assets attached to the land; financial management at the Land Registration Office under the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and its branches following the direction of the Chairman of the People’s Committee of Bac Lieu province.

Headquarters of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Bac Lieu Province

The inspection process discovered violations related to measurement fees in Bac Lieu city, Gia Rai town, and Dong Hai, Hong Dan, Phuoc Long, Vinh Loi, and Hoa Binh districts, totaling over VND 21 billion, involving the responsibility of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the Land Registration Office, and its branches.

These violations show signs of criminal activity, so the Bac Lieu Provincial Inspectorate recommended transferring the case to the Provincial Police Investigation Agency for clarification and handling in accordance with the law.

In addition, the inspection conclusion also identified violations involving the People’s Committee of Bac Lieu city and related organizations and individuals, indicating violations of land management laws. Specifically, the rampant practice of recording land use debt, which is not eligible for debt recording, has caused the loss of state assets and money when changing the land use purpose. As a result, the Inspectorate also recommended transferring this content to the Bac Lieu Provincial Police Investigation Agency for clarification.

Of these, 1,338 dossiers on changing the land use purpose to residential land and non-agricultural production facilities were recorded as land use debt, with a total amount of over VND 177 billion due; many dossiers for land use purpose change do not ensure conformity with technical infrastructure, social infrastructure, no site verification minutes, appraisal of land use needs; the assessment of financially difficult subjects is still rampant and does not follow the evaluation criteria…

The Provincial Inspectorate also discovered violations in the case of granting land use right certificates to Mr. N.V.K (Phong Thanh A commune, Gia Rai town) contrary to regulations.

There are signs of collusion between officials of the Gia Rai Town Natural Resources and Environment Office, the Branch of the Land Registration Office, and the People’s Committee of Phong Thanh A Commune to establish procedures for granting certificates, transferring and illegally profiting hundreds of millions of dong. The Inspectorate also recommended that this content be transferred to the police for investigation.

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