Discovery, a renowned American television channel, has recently aired a documentary film highlighting Vietnam’s transformation and the significant contributions of its IT sector. The film, titled “Silicon Delta – The Story of Vietnam’s Tech Revolution,” was broadcast in Southeast Asia, Germany, and Japan and released in ten languages, including English, Japanese, German, Korean, and Vietnamese.
The documentary, lasting over 20 minutes, narrates Vietnam’s digital revolution. It showcases how the country has evolved from being absent on the global digital technology map to becoming one of the leading digital economies in Asia. Vietnam is now ideally positioned to lead the new technological revolution and become a global technology resource hub.
The film is divided into three parts, vividly portraying the progressive stages of Vietnam’s digital revolution. FPT, a pioneering enterprise in Vietnam’s IT industry, takes center stage as the protagonist of the documentary, steered by Discovery’s filmmakers.
Dr. Truong Gia Binh, Founder and Chairman of FPT, remarked, “More than two decades ago, no one believed that Vietnam could develop software for the world. But we persevered and forged ahead. FPT, along with other IT businesses, formed a flock of Vietnamese birds that soared globally, cementing Vietnam’s position on the world digital technology map. Today, Vietnam boasts 1 million IT engineers, half of whom are programmers. If we focus these resources on semiconductors and artificial intelligence, Vietnam can cater not only to domestic demands but also supply the entire world.”
According to FPT Software Chairwoman Chu Thi Thanh Ha, the Discovery documentary captures the shared mission and relentless endeavors of multiple generations of FPT members who dare to dream big and take bold actions.
“25 years ago, we made a proud decision—’Export or perish,’ a bold move that was pivotal for our fate and a turning point for Vietnam back then. Today, the spirit of daring to think and act remains embedded in the DNA of every FPT member and will continue to be passed down to future generations as we venture into new horizons of technology and innovation,” shared Chu Thi Thanh Ha.
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