Landslide Disaster Strikes Multiple Regions

Due to heavy rainfall in the provinces of Son La, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, and Ninh Binh, several landslides have occurred. Local authorities promptly evacuated affected residents to safer locations.


In Nghe An Province, according to information from the People’s Committee of Nam Giai Commune, a large crack has appeared on Pu Meo Mountain, located in Puc Village, Nam Giai Commune, Que Phong District. The crack on Pu Meo Mountain is approximately 100 meters long, 20-40 centimeters wide, and up to 10 meters deep. It was discovered at 11 am on September 29th.

The crack on Pu Meo Mountain, reaching a depth of about 10 meters. Photo: Minh Tuong

Following the landslide in this area, local authorities mobilized police and military forces to promptly inspect the scene. The crack directly affected the household of Mr. Lu La Nhat with four members and three other households, so the functional forces organized the evacuation of both people and assets to a safe place.

Nam Giai Commune had previously experienced heavy rain due to the influence of Storm No. 4. Although the rainfall in Puc Village had decreased in recent days, a crack suddenly appeared on Pu Meo Mountain at noon on September 29th. Puc Village, Nam Giai Commune, has 90 households with 360 members. The residents live about 30 meters away from Pu Meo Mountain.

In Ninh Binh Province, at Veo Hill, Son Lai Commune, Nho Quan District, the hilly land has cracked and the layers have collapsed in two locations, with a width of 30 centimeters and a depth of about 40 centimeters, for a total length of about 380 meters (position 1: 300 meters; position 2: 80 meters).

This landslide site has a very large volume and is dangerous, directly affecting the houses, property, and lives of 139 households and one Thanh Vi parish church, mainly households in Veo Village and some households in Sua Village, Son Lai Commune.

On September 28, 2024, the People’s Committee of Ninh Binh Province also issued Decision No. 817/QD-UBND, announcing an emergency situation due to a natural disaster: the landslide at Veo Hill, Son Lai Commune, Nho Quan District.

The functional forces cordoned off the landslide site at Veo Hill, Son Lai Commune, Nho Quan District, Ninh Binh Province. Photo: MD

According to Mr. Nguyen Van Quan, Head of Veo Village, “Veo Village has 106 households with 269 members. Regarding the long crack on Veo Hill that was discovered after Storm No. 3, we reported it to the local and functional authorities. Currently, the water inside the cracks is no longer rushing as before, but the area of the landslide sites shows signs of increasing. The land is damp and subsiding, making it difficult to walk, and new subsidence cracks are appearing, deeper than the previous day.”

Landslide area at Veo Hill. Photo: Thanh Binh

It is known that in Veo and Sua villages (Son Lai Commune), nine households are at risk of being directly affected by the crack at Veo Hill. These households have relocated their assets to their relatives’ homes to ensure the safety of their lives and property.

On September 29, Son Lai Commune (Nho Quan District) organized forces and means to fence off the landslide area and set up three warning signs within the landslide range.

In Thanh Hoa Province, due to the influence of prolonged heavy rains from Storms No. 3 and No. 4, the Na Lo hill area in Tan Lap Village, Tan Phuc Commune, Lang Chanh District, experienced landslides of soil and rocks towards the residential area at the foot of the hill.

Na Lo Hill landslide, the functional forces evacuated households at the foot of the hill to a safe place

On September 27, the functional forces of Lang Chanh District and Tan Phuc Commune urgently relocated five households with 28 members from the dangerous area.

In Son La Province, due to the influence of Storms No. 3 and No. 4, heavy rains occurred in Sop Cop District, greatly affecting the lives, daily activities, transportation, and agricultural production of the people. In addition, cracks have appeared on hills, house foundations, walls, and yards in Sop Cop, Sam Kha, and Nam Lanh communes.

In Na Loc Village, Sop Cop Commune, many cracks and large slip surfaces appeared on the hill above the residential area, posing a high risk of landslides and affecting 21 households. Five households had their house foundations lifted, and their walls, retaining walls, and other auxiliary works showed cracks, compromising the load-bearing structure of the houses. Currently, four households have proactively relocated to a safe place.

The delegation inspects the area at risk of landslide in Na Loc Village. Photo: Lo An

At the boarding area of the Ethnic Minority Boarding Secondary School in Sam Kha Commune, there is one point at high risk of taluy yang landslide. In the Kéo Vai Village, Nam Lanh Commune, a taluy am landslide occurred on the road into the village, posing a high risk of continuing to slide down to seven houses and the primary and kindergarten schools, and the village cultural house. To ensure the safety of people’s lives and property, teachers, and students, the People’s Committee of Sop Cop District has established a working group with departments, agencies, and units and the Party Committee and People’s Committee of the communes to survey and inspect the field in areas at high risk of landslides, landslides, and floods.

The delegation of Sop Cop District inspects the house cracking in Na Loc Village, Sop Cop Commune. Photo: Lo An

Sop Cop District also established security teams to regularly stand guard and inspect dangerous areas, absolutely not allowing households in high-risk areas of landslides to stay in their homes, especially when it rains. The security team actively grasps the situation and the status of the cracks and slip surfaces to promptly handle any arising situations. The district’s anti-natural disaster forces are ready to deploy response measures, rescue, and relief…