On the other hand, some banks demonstrated a more “well-rounded” performance, leading the industry in a range of metrics, effectively managing costs, maintaining low risk, and ensuring high profitability.
Techcombank stands out for its presence in the Top 10 across numerous crucial banking indicators, showcasing both high profitability and superior asset quality. Notably, Techcombank boasts the highest ratio of non-term deposits (CASA) and the highest Return on Assets (ROA) in the industry.
Although ACB doesn’t rank within the Top 3 in the metrics mentioned below, it consistently maintains its position within the Top 10. ACB currently holds the third-highest Return on Equity (ROE) over the last four quarters and is among the top five banks with the highest ROA and lowest non-performing loan ratios.
Vietcombank also dominates the rankings, boasting the highest market capitalization on the stock exchange, the highest profits, and the best bad debt coverage ratio in the industry.
Other banks consistently featured in the Top 10 include BIDV and VietinBank, the two largest banks in terms of total assets. They consistently rank highly for their CASA ratios, low non-performing loan ratios, and profitability.

Data source: Wichart and author’s compilation.

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