A host of important laws will come into effect on January 1, 2025.

Road Traffic Order and Safety Law

The Road Traffic Order and Safety Law is designed to provide a legal framework for ensuring road traffic order and safety, protecting the lives and health of road users, and building a disciplined, orderly, and safe society. It aims to better safeguard human rights and civil liberties as outlined in the 2013 Constitution and Vietnam’s commitments under international conventions.

The law comprises 89 articles across 9 chapters, detailing specific provisions on principles for ensuring road traffic order and safety, state policies, propaganda and education on road traffic laws, and prohibited acts, among others.

Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Auction of Assets

The Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Auction of Assets consists of 3 articles, amending and supplementing 43 articles, adding 2 new articles, and repealing 2 articles and several points and clauses of the 2016 Law on Auction of Assets.

It introduces changes regarding auction assets, adds cases of prohibition in auctions, modifies regulations on auctioneers and auction training, includes new cases of unsuccessful auctions, and establishes new provisions on deposit money and its handling in auctions…

Capital Law

The Capital Law aims to further improve the legal framework, establish special and superior mechanisms, and address challenges and shortcomings in implementing the previous Capital Law. The goal is to build and develop the capital into a smart, modern, green, clean, and beautiful city with strong security, promoting rapid and sustainable development that has a positive impact on the development of the Red River Delta, the Northern Key Economic Region, and the whole country.

The 2024 Capital Law consists of 7 chapters and 54 articles, outlining the position and role of the capital, as well as policies and responsibilities for its construction, development, management, and protection.

Law on Organization of People’s Courts

The Law on Organization of People’s Courts aims to further improve the court organization, enhance the quality, effectiveness, and prestige of the People’s Courts, and build a professional, modern, fair, and rigorous court system that serves the nation and its people. It strives to fulfill the important task of protecting justice, human rights, civil liberties, the socialist regime, and the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals.

The law consists of 9 chapters and 152 articles, a reduction of 2 chapters but an increase of 54 articles compared to the previous Law on Organization of People’s Courts No. 62/2014/QH13. It amends and supplements 101 articles, adds 48 new ones, and retains 3 articles, introducing several innovations regarding the position and role of the People’s Courts, their tasks and powers, organizational reforms, and trial procedures…

Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Bodyguard

In response to the new requirements for ensuring security and order, protecting the safety of guarded objects, and addressing practical needs, it is necessary to continue improving the law on bodyguard. The Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Bodyguard serves the following purposes: To add guarded objects in line with the Party’s regulations and practical requirements, to separate the bodyguard regime and measures for convenient application in reality, and to legalize some measures currently implemented by the bodyguard force to enhance the effectiveness of bodyguard work in the new situation. It also aims to supplement the tasks and powers of the bodyguard force and the conditions for ensuring the implementation of bodyguard work…

Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives, and Supporting Tools

The Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives, and Supporting Tools consists of 8 chapters and 75 articles, detailing specific contents related to principles for managing and using weapons, explosives, and supporting tools; prohibited acts in their management and use; responsibilities of heads of agencies, organizations, and enterprises equipped with weapons, explosives, and supporting tools; conditions and responsibilities of persons assigned to use weapons, explosives, and supporting tools; management and storage of weapons, explosives, and supporting tools; research, manufacture, repair, business, export, and import of weapons; procedures for equipping military weapons and issuing permits for their use; principles for using military weapons and cases of firing military weapons when performing independent tasks to ensure security and order…

Law on Management and Protection of National Defense Works and Military Zones

The Law on Management and Protection of National Defense Works and Military Zones consists of 6 chapters and 34 articles. One of its fundamental contents is to regulate the principles for managing and protecting national defense works and military zones, state policies in this regard, classification and grouping of national defense works, and prohibited acts in their management and protection.

The Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Securities, Accounting Law, Law on Independent Audit, Law on State Budget, Law on Management and Use of Public Assets, Law on Tax Administration, Law on Personal Income Tax, Law on National Reserves, and Law on Handling of Administrative Violations

This law consists of 11 articles, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Securities, Accounting Law, Law on Independent Audit, Law on State Budget, Law on Tax Administration, Law on Personal Income Tax, Law on Management and Use of Public Assets, Law on National Reserves, and Law on Handling of Administrative Violations.

Nhat Quang

– 08:22 31/12/2024