Price Surges Over 60% as APG CEO Successfully Sells 800,000 Shares

Mr. Tran Thien Ha, CEO of APG, has successfully sold 800,000 APG shares in the session on February 20th as registered, for personal purposes...


Mr. Tran Thien Ha announced the stock transaction of insiders of APG Securities Joint Stock Company (APG-HOSE code).

Accordingly, Mr. Tran Thien Ha, CEO of APG, has successfully sold 800,000 APG shares in the session on February 20th as registered for personal purposes.

After the transaction, Mr. Ha has reduced the number of shares from 1.81 million shares, accounting for 1.18%, to 1.01 million shares, accounting for 0.66%.

The transaction was executed through matching orders and agreements. At the end of the session on February 20th, APG’s price stopped at VND 14,400/share, up more than 60% compared to the end of October 2023. Based on this price, Mr. Ha can earn about VND 11.5 billion.

In terms of business results, by the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, the company reported a profit of over VND 39.6 billion (compared to a loss of nearly VND 142 billion in the same period). According to the company’s explanation, the profit is due to the decrease in loss from selling financial assets in the fourth quarter of 2023 and the decrease in revaluation decrement of financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss (PVTPL) in the fourth quarter of 2024. Accumulated, the company recorded a profit of VND 141.5 billion, while in 2022 it had a net loss of VND 190.2 billion.

As of the end of 2023, the financial assets portfolio recognized through fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) of APG Securities (all of which are shares) has an original value of VND 478.2 billion. The HTM portfolio includes VND 771 billion in fixed-term deposits of three months or more.