Apartment Segment to Spearhead Hanoi Real Estate Market in 2024

The Ministry of Construction, the Construction Newspaper, in collaboration with EximRS Real Estate Joint Stock Company, plans to organize a Seminar on the topic "Cash-Home real estate: The apartment segment leading the Hanoi market in 2024" on April 24 in Hanoi.


According to the review of the Ministry of Construction, in the recent past, many localities, including Hanoi, have proactively implemented the regulations of the law on real estate business, investment, land, housing and have actively resolved difficulties and obstacles for real estate projects in the capital, so the real estate market in Hanoi is picking up and recovering quickly.

Apartment segment leads Hanoi real estate market in 2024.

According to the report of the Hanoi Construction Department, the apartment market in Hanoi has continuously established new price levels since the beginning of the year. By the first quarter of 2024, the average price of new apartments had reached 59 million VND/m2, a consecutive increase of 21 quarters. The selling price in the secondary market of Hanoi apartments in the first quarter of 2024 recorded the highest annual price increase ever, up 17% compared to the same period last year, reaching an average of over 36 million VND/m2.

Low bank interest rates are affecting people’s psychology, giving them confidence and returning to the real estate market after projects that meet the conditions for sale have all recorded good transactions, even not enough goods to meet the customers’ demand.

The effect of the real estate market is gradually warming up and recovering quickly and spreading to other segments and other localities nationwide.

In particular, after the Housing Law adjusts the regulations on the duration of use of chung cÆ° houses, 50-year apartments in the Hanoi market are unexpectedly “sought after” because of their lower prices, which are suitable for customer demand. According to the market, most 50-year apartments have a selling price lower than 20% compared to perpetual apartments in the same area and segment.

Faced with the fact that Hanoi apartments are attracting great interest from people, real estate businesses and the need to find safe and reasonable investment products, the Seminar on “Cash-Home real estate: The apartment segment leads the Hanoi market in 2024” will take place, becoming a forum to share comprehensive perspectives, in-depth analysis, and dissecting the opportunities and challenges of the Hanoi apartment market from industry experts.

The seminar will discuss and analyze the overview of the real estate market, the development of the Hanoi apartment segment, monetary policies to stimulate cash flow into the affordable apartment segment, identify market-leading trends, and the apartment segment leading the real estate market in 2024… through EximRS Real Estate (Real Estate) Joint Stock Company. This is a real estate company that is successfully implementing many large-scale projects from the North to the South, creating a supply for the market, with products such as land, single villas, twin villas, and townhouses, with many different price points flexible, suitable for the investment and real living needs of the people.

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