The Woman Behind the Fake Health Food Scam That Targeted Stroke Victims

Expanding the production line, counterfeiting stroke supplements on a large scale, amounting to billions of dong, Thanh Hoa City Police have prosecuted and arrested another person involved.


On April 25, news from the Thanh Hoa City Police, Thanh Hoa province said that the agency had just prosecuted and detained Nong Thi Hang (born in 1987, residing in Khanh Thuong commune, Ba Vi district, Hanoi city) to clarify the act of counterfeiting food against fake stroke.

Nong Thi Hang was arrested by Thanh Hoa City Police to clarify the act of participating in a ring counterfeiting fake food supplements against stroke. Photo: Thanh Hoa Police

Nong Thi Hang is the 9th suspect in a large-scale counterfeit food supplement production and trading ring that Thanh Hoa City Police has just successfully combated and eradicated in early April.

In this case, Hang was identified as the person hired by Nguyen Thi Thinh to pack the finished product of fake anti-stroke drugs.

Through the struggle and the collected documents, Nong Thi Hang confessed that from the beginning of 2023 until her arrest, Hang had been hired by Thinh to pack about 20 boxes of fake anti-stroke drugs worth more than 50 million VND for sale market.

Breaking the ring of counterfeiting An cung food

Previously, on April 4, Thanh Hoa City Police organized simultaneous searches of 10 locations, which were the places of residence, work, production, and storage of suspected counterfeit goods, namely Hoang Thanh Tam Hoan Vu Hoang pills produced by Kwangdong Company, traded in the Korean market and exported to Vietnam.

The group of subjects in the production ring, counterfeiting fake food was arrested by Thanh Hoa City Police

Through the search, the police force discovered and seized many products and materials to produce counterfeit goods, including more than 4,000 boxes of Hoang Thanh Tam Hoan Vu complete An cung pills (10-pill boxes), with a value of goods equivalent to VND 10 billion; 100 boxes of An cung ngu hoang pills (60 pills/box) by Samsung Pharm Company.

The materials used to manufacture and package counterfeit products include 7 bags of plastic vials, plastic vial caps used to contain An cung pills; more than 1,000 anti-counterfeit stamps of Kwangdong brand, Kwangdong brand instruction stamps; more than 1,000 round, yellow compressed pills wrapped in yellow paper along with many tools and machines for packaging products such as: Press machines, glue guns, pins, tapes…

Based on the results of the investigation of the special project, the Investigative Police Agency of Thanh Hoa City Police has opened a case, prosecuted and detained 8 people including: Nguyen Thi Thinh (born in 1978; residing in Hanoi), identified as the mastermind leading the production and trading ring of counterfeit goods; Nguyen Lan Huong (born in 1984) is the person who directly contacted to buy counterfeit goods from Thinh; Tran Anh Cuong (born in 1994); Ngo Thi Tu (born in 1982); Nong Quang Hai (born in 1991) Nhu Thi Minh (born in 1991); Pham Van Chien (born in 1985), all residing in Hanoi and Trinh Thi Hieu (born in 1985, residing in Thanh Hoa city, Thanh Hoa province).

This functional food is sold openly in the Co.opmart supermarket in the center of Thanh Hoa City

At the police agency, the subjects confessed that from the beginning of 2023 until they were arrested, the group had produced and sold to the market more than 20,000 boxes of fake Hoang Thanh Tam Hoan Vu pills, with a value equivalent to about VND 50 billion.

According to Thanh Hoa City Police, this is a product advertised as having the effect of preventing stroke, nourishing the brain, which is currently very interested and used by consumers.

Currently, the case is being investigated and expanded by Thanh Hoa City Police.