The New Subdivision Regulations in Hanoi: Minimum Lot Size of 50 sq.m

As of October 7, 2024, the minimum land area required for a plot division in Hanoi has been revised to 50 square meters, reflecting a significant increase of 20 square meters from the previous regulation.


The Hanoi People’s Committee has issued Decision No. 61/2024/QD-UBND regulating several land-related matters within the city of Hanoi.

According to the Decision, the subdivision of land parcels must comply with the principles and conditions stipulated in Article 220 of the Land Law, along with the following additional requirements:

For wards and townships, the length concerning the red boundary line should be 4 meters or more, and the width adjacent to the existing public transport route or access formed during the subdivision should be no less than 4 meters. The land area outside the red boundary line should not be less than 50m2.

In plain communes, the post-subdivision area must not be less than 80m²; in the midland, it should be 100m², and in mountainous regions, it should be 150m².

A minimum land area of 50 m2 is required for subdivision in Hanoi.

Commercial and service land in wards and townships must have a minimum length and width of 4 meters and 10 meters, respectively, with an area of at least 400m². In communes, the minimum area for commercial and service land is set at 800m².

Regarding non-agricultural land, the subdivision is subject to stringent conditions. Non-agricultural land that does not fall into the commercial or service category requires a minimum area of 1,000m² in wards and townships and 2,000m² in communes.

As for agricultural land, the minimum area requirements for annual crop land in wards and townships are 300m², 500m² for perennial crops, and 5,000m² for production forests. In communes, the corresponding areas are 500m², 1,000m², and 5,000m², respectively. These regulations ensure reasonable farming scales and prevent small divisions that could hinder agricultural production.

If a land user wishes to allocate a portion for access, the land parcel must ensure that the access has a width of at least 3.5 meters in wards and townships and 4 meters in communes. Even after subdivision, the land parcel must continue to meet the conditions for the type of land specified in the Land Law.

This Decision takes effect on October 7, 2024, and applies to state agencies, land users under the Land Law, and related parties involved in land management and use within the city.

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