According to the Vietnam Registry Office (VRO), the software system will integrate electronic certification of inspections with the vehicle owner’s digital identity account data and the VNeID application. This move aims to simplify administrative procedures, reduce costs, and facilitate convenience for citizens and authorities in management, usage, and control.

The issuance of electronic inspection certificates also helps detect vehicles using fake registration certificates during inspections. In such cases, the inspection center (IC) must enter the information into the warning system and notify the local police for handling according to regulations.

Vehicle technical inspection activities. Illustration: VGP.

According to Decree No. 166/2024 of the Government, from the beginning of this year, there will be an additional case where the motor vehicle inspection center is arranged together with the bus station or rest stop, and the area requirements will not apply. However, the inspection workshop must comply with the National Technical Regulation on Infrastructure and Location of Motor Vehicle Inspection Centers and Emission Inspection Centers for Motorcycles and Motorized Bicycles (QCVN 103:2024/BGTVT).

For fixed emission inspection centers, the inspection area must have a minimum area of 15m2, corresponding to one emission measurement equipment, and can be shared with motorcycle and moped repair and maintenance facilities.

For mobile emission inspection centers, there is no need to meet the area requirements, but the equipment and vehicles serving the emission inspection must be permanently installed on the specialized mobile emission inspection vehicle.

In terms of human resources, an inspection center must have at least one inspector of grade III, grade II, or grade I, and a staff member (the same person can hold multiple positions if they meet the professional standards).

The motor vehicle inspection center conducts inspections and issues inspection certificates for motor vehicles and performs emission inspections, issuing emission inspection certificates to motorcycle and moped owners. The emission inspection center conducts emission inspections and issues inspection certificates to motorcycle owners. The inspection center with specialized inspectors for motor vehicles will inspect and issue inspection certificates for special motor vehicles.

The head of the inspection center must be an inspector of grade II or higher (the previous regulation required a senior inspector or an inspector who has performed the duties of an inspector for a minimum of 36 months). Additionally, Decree 166/2024 does not specify the minimum number of inspectors per inspection line.

The new inspector grades are grade I, grade II (corresponding to the previous senior motor vehicle inspector and Vietnam motor vehicle inspector, respectively), and the addition of grade III inspectors for emission inspections. The requirement for promotion from grade II to grade I inspector has been adjusted to five years of experience (previously three years).

Loc Lien

– 14:41 01/02/2025