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The All-New Hyundai Santa Fe 2024: A Bold New Look for Vietnam’s Roads.

Although the prototype is heavily camouflaged, the distinct design of the new Hyundai Santa Fe is unmistakable, especially with its revealing new lighting signature.

The Tasty Treat That’s Raking in the Big Bucks: Khanh Hoa’s Durian Windfall

This year, durian trees in the mountainous district of Khanh Son, Khanh Hoa province, have once again yielded an abundant harvest. The farmers are expected to reap over VND 1,000 billion ($43.4 million) from this delicious crop. Not only is the domestic market enjoying the fruits of their labor, but Khanh Son durians are also making their way globally through official export channels.

The BMW X5’s Sunroof Malfunction: German Automaker Ordered to Pay Over $2 Million in...

A German automotive giant has been ordered by a court to pay a staggering $1.9 million in compensation - roughly equating to 48 billion Vietnamese Dong - after a BMW X5's power-operated door severely injured its owner's hand.

The Automotive Giant’s Misstep: How a $6 Million Sale Led to Hefty Fines for...

General Motors has been slapped with a hefty fine of over $145 million by the US government, following the discovery of excessive emissions in nearly 6 million vehicles sold by the automaker.

The Ultimate Summer Fruit: A Giant 54.5kg Jackfruit Unveiled in Hai Duong, Vietnam

After patiently waiting for a week for the jackfruit to ripen, Mr. Thieu, along with his family and neighbors, cut open the massive fruit, which broke the world record for its weight.