Why Electricity Bills in Hanoi Are Skyrocketing

It is true that electricity bills for customers in Hanoi have nearly doubled. The main reason for this is a significant change made by the Hanoi Power Corporation.


On the evening of March 2nd, customers in Hanoi were shocked to receive electricity bill notifications from the power companies under EVNHANOI, the Hanoi Power Corporation. Almost all the bills had nearly doubled compared to the previous payment.

Many questions arose as to why electricity bills were higher in the cold weather than in summer. On social media groups, this was also one of the hotly debated issues.

In fact, in this electricity bill notification, the billing period was nearly 2 months, instead of the usual 1 month. This was because, starting from February 29, 2024, EVNHANOI implemented a change in the schedule for meter reading, moving it to the end of the month.

EVNHANOI stated that customers’ rights were always ensured as the electricity usage rates for each tier were adjusted according to the actual number of days in the billing period with changes in the meter reading schedule.

The billing period for this period is nearly 2 months.

Specifically, EVNHANOI has implemented the transfer of meter reading schedule to the end of the month for over 2.8 million electricity customers in the capital city area.

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Thang – Deputy Director of the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade, stated that the Department had issued directives to unify the meter reading schedule for EVNHANOI throughout the city area. This was a necessary task to ensure consistency in management, minimize errors in the meter reading and bill settlement process, as well as ensure fairness for all electricity customers.

“This is the established direction and the Corporation has reported to the relevant levels for unified and synchronized implementation, as well as dissemination of information to the people.” – Mr. Thang said.

Here is a specific case of a customer in the area with meter reading on the 3rd of each month, starting from February 2024, and the meter reading was changed to the end of the month, the billing period would be calculated as follows:

Specific calculation provided by EVN Hanoi.

According to EVNHANOI, customers can check their electricity consumption and use the online electricity bill calculation tool to look up and calculate their monthly electricity bills. The recorded electricity consumption for the shifted billing period will be higher than the electricity bill of previous months. The following months will return to normal.

Facing consumers’ concerns about the increased electricity consumption affecting customers’ rights when calculating the tiered electricity rates, EVNHANOI commits that customers’ rights will always be ensured as the electricity usage rates for each tier will be adjusted according to the actual number of days in the billing period with changes in the meter reading schedule.

Luong Bang