Kickstart the Season: Dalat Best Dance Crew 2024 – Hoa Sen Home International Cup

Judge Write Thanh has revealed the judging criteria and special expectations for Dalat Best Dance Crew 2024 - Hoa Sen Home International Cup.


After the success of two seasons, Dalat Best Dance Crew – Hoa Sen Home International Cup has become a prestigious and influential dance competition in the local and Southeast Asian dance community. Recently, the organizers of Dalat Best Dance Crew – Hoa Sen Home International Cup officially launched the 2024 season, eagerly awaited by numerous dance groups both domestically and internationally.

As a judge in the previous two seasons, Choreographer Viet Thanh feels extremely excited as Dalat Best Dance Crew 2024 – Hoa Sen Home International Cup officially kicks off its 3rd season. The enthusiastic audience and the warmth amidst the cold of Dalat are among the things he remembers the most.

Regarding Dalat Best Dance Crew 2024 – Hoa Sen Home International Cup, Viet Thanh says: “I am impressed by the rapid progress of the competing teams in a short time from the qualifiers to the finale. Especially, last year, the addition of international teams made a big impact on Vietnam. I hope that this year there will be more thrilling and intense moments with the addition of a team from Japan. And I hope that the Vietnamese teams will learn from last year’s experience to deliver better performances this year.”

With the theme “Be You, Be Unique – Affirming Myself,” the organizers of Dalat Best Dance Crew 2024 – Hoa Sen Home International Cup aim to find personal colors and distinctive expressions of the youth today through explosive dance performances. The dynamic dance acts will embody enthusiasm, affirm the uniqueness of each group and individual, and spread positive energy and passion for dancing to everyone.

Choreographer Viet Thanh is thrilled with this year’s theme “Be You, Be Unique – Affirming Myself.” He affirms that separating the battle round and the showcase round creates even more intense moments. At the same time, the unique qualities in this year’s theme are more clearly demonstrated in each performance.

The powerful judging panel of Dalat Best Dance Crew 2023 – Hoa Sen Home International Cup.

According to the announced regulations, this year’s competition will have some changes in its format and scale. The Expanded Movement Round will consist of 18 dance groups from Lam Dong province, invited movement groups from the Central Highlands region, and movement groups from universities in Ho Chi Minh City. As a judge accompanying the seasons, Choreographer Viet Thanh is also excited and expecting something new this year. He feels excited and affirms: “The Expanded Movement Round is always a mystery. I always expect explosive and limitless creativity from the young dancers in this round.”

Talking about his scoring criteria at Dalat Best Dance Crew 2024 – Hoa Sen Home International Cup, Viet Thanh says: “How you express the art you represent; How creative are you? How good is the combination? And whether the techniques you use are suitable for the combination or not are what I pay attention to when judging. Especially, when combined with music, whether everything fits well and is well-adjusted? How you perform in the showcase round, how you create impressions, also greatly affects your score.”

Upcoming on March 9, 2024, the semi-finals of the Expanded Movement Round among the teams in Ho Chi Minh City area will officially take place. The semi-finals will be held at the lecture hall of the University of Economics – Law, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City. Here, the dance groups will perform a self-choreographed and staged piece that is not copied in part or in whole from any other dance. The duration for each performance is from 3-5 minutes, with a free theme but unrelated to violence, offense, racial discrimination, religion, gender, or occupation. The semi-finals will select the top 4 dance groups from Ho Chi Minh City to participate in the final round of the Expanded Movement Round, which will take place in Dalat on the night of April 29, 2024.

The Dalat Best Dance Crew 2024 – Hoa Sen Home International Cup program is organized by the Hoa Sen Home Supermarket and Furniture System and the Hoa Sen Plastic Pipe brand (Hoa Sen Group) in coordination with the Lam Dong Youth Union and Bee Media Company.