BRT Bus Lines to Be Replaced with Metro Rail in Hanoi

The National Assembly’s Supervisory Delegation recently conducted a fact-finding mission in Hanoi to review the implementation of policies and laws on traffic safety from 2009 to 2023.

The BRT bus lines will be replaced by a metro rail system ( Metro ) – Information provided at a meeting where the National Assembly’s Supervisory Delegation met with Hanoi officials to discuss “the implementation of policies and laws on traffic safety from 2009 to 2023”.

At the meeting, Hanoi Vice Chairman Duong Duc Tuan stated that due to heavy traffic, the BRT buses operate no differently than regular buses.

Given this reality, the city plans to replace the BRT bus lines with a metro rail line in its upcoming revised transportation master plan.

The Kim Ma – Yen Nghia BRT line has been widely criticized as ineffective.

Hanoi launched the Kim Ma – Yen Nghia BRT Line No. 01 in December 2016 with a total investment of approximately 1,100 billion VND.

Hanoi’s first BRT bus line is over 14km long and uses 55 80-seat buses, each costing over 5 billion VND.

However, after several years of operation, the BRT buses have not met expectations.

The BRT bus line was put into operation on a narrow road with high density and traffic volume, resulting in the BRT buses operating no differently than regular buses.