EU Import Tariffs Unfavorable to ST24 and ST25 Fragrant Rice

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development affirmed that the information about two fragrant rice varieties ST24 and ST25 enjoying the EU's export tax incentives is incorrect.


Currently, within the framework of the implementation of the Vietnam – EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), there are 9 fragrant rice varieties that enjoy tax incentives within the quota for export to the EU. These include: Jasmine85, ST5, ST20, Nang Hoa 9, VD20, RVT, OM4900, OM5451 and Tai Nguyen Cho Dao.

The two fragrant rice varieties ST24 and ST25 are not yet on the list of fragrant rice varieties that enjoy tax incentives within the quota for export to the EU.

The categorization mentioned above was established before 2015 (when the negotiation of the EVFTA was concluded). Nearly four years after the implementation of the agreement, Vietnam is proposing to adjust the list of fragrant rice for export to the EU with a zero-tariff quota, in accordance with the current situation of Vietnam’s rice export.

The negotiation on amending and supplementing the fragrant rice list is being carried out by the Department of International Cooperation and the General Department of Crop Production, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in collaboration with the EU.

So far, the two sides have not yet reached a final decision on which fragrant rice varieties will be included, or added to the list of rice varieties that will enjoy tax incentives within the quota for export to the EU market.

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