Top 10 Countries that Watch TikTok the Most: Where Does Vietnam Rank?

HHT - A recent statistic has ranked the countries that watch the most TikTok videos each day, with Vietnam taking the number one spot in Asia.


Nowadays, people in most of the world use electronic devices extensively. Hence, the syndrome of “addiction” to phones and/or social media has emerged .

Recently, the technology website Electronics Hub conducted a study on the level of phone, computer, and social media use in countries around the world, based on data from the global overview report of the data site Datareportal in Singapore.

The study also included a list of countries that watch TikTok the most. Accordingly, Vietnam tops the list in Asia, with an average of 128 TikTok videos watched per day. Right after our country is the Philippines, with 127 TikTok videos watched per day. Then comes Israel (123), Malaysia (121), and Indonesia (120). In the global list of TikTok viewership, our country ranks 7th.

Top 10 countries that watch the most TikTok videos per day worldwide. Photo: Electronics Hub.

According to Statista – a German platform specializing in global data reporting and statistics – on average, each TikTok video is 34 seconds long. Thus, watching an average of 128 TikTok videos takes 1 hour and 12 minutes per day on TikTok, which is equal to 7% of an average person’s waking time (assuming a person is awake for 17 hours/day because they spend 7 hours sleeping).

Regarding the percentage of time we spend on electronic devices ( screen time ), the statistics show that Vietnamese people spend an average of 36.73% of their waking time each day looking at screens, which is about 6 hours and 15 minutes per day, approximately the same amount of time spent sleeping.

Of which, the percentage of waking time we spend on social media is 14.09%, equivalent to an average of about 2 hours and 24 minutes per day.

Percentage of time people spend on electronic devices each day in some countries. Photo: Electronics Hub.

Except for those who have to use electronic devices for study or work, experts all advise that we should limit our daily screen time on these devices and social media. It is best to set a time to stop using them when using them.

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