Introducing: General To Lam for the Presidency, and Mr. Tran Thanh Man for the National Assembly Chairmanship

The Central Committee has proposed to the National Assembly to elect General To Lam, Minister of Public Security, as the new State President, and Mr. Tran Thanh Man, Permanent Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, as the new National Assembly Chairman.


On the morning of May 18, 2024, after the closing of the 9th Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee at the Central Party Office, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong worked with key leaders, listening to an assessment of the country’s situation over the past time and focusing on directing opinions to deploy tasks in the coming time.

At the meeting, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong congratulated the Central Committee for unanimously agreeing to introduce General To Lam, a member of the Politburo and Minister of Public Security, for the 15th National Assembly to elect as State President; and Mr. Tran Thanh Man, a member of the Politburo and Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, for the National Assembly to elect as President of the National Assembly.

General To Lam

It can be affirmed that in the first half of the 13th term and the first half of 2024, the Politburo, the Secretariat, key leaders, led by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, have always maintained unity and solidarity, coordinating closely to lead and direct the successful completion of tasks according to the program and plan.

In particular, they successfully organized many important political events; timely and effectively handled unexpected issues; ensured macro-economic stability and controlled inflation, and maintained the basic balance of the economy.

Positive results were also achieved in the fields of national defense, security, foreign affairs, Party building and rectification, and anti-corruption.

Mr. Tran Thanh Man

Regarding some key tasks in the coming time, the key leaders emphasized that alongside opportunities and advantages, we are facing and will continue to face many difficulties and challenges.

Therefore, it is very important to continue promoting the spirit of unity and consensus within the entire Party, people, and army, with the first priority being the Central Committee, key leaders, the Politburo, and the Secretariat, who must be truly united, set a good example, and dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to the common cause.

Specifically, it is necessary to continue to effectively implement the 2024 Program of Work of the Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat.

Promptly follow the Central Committee’s directives to soon complete the Detailed Outline and draft documents for submission to the 14th Party Congress for presentation at the 10th Plenary Session.

Expedite the issuance of the Politburo’s Directive on party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Congress; direct the dissemination, concretization, and implementation of this directive among party committees and organizations in a thorough and practical manner.

Vigorously promote economic growth in tandem with consolidating and maintaining macro-economic stability, controlling inflation, and ensuring the economy’s major balances; focus on removing obstacles for production and business activities.

Ensure national defense and security, as well as social order and safety. Effectively carry out foreign affairs, strengthen relations with other countries and important partners, prioritize and promote foreign affairs events at home and abroad, and maintain a peaceful and stable environment for national development.

Improve personnel work and protect internal politics; continue to do well in anti-corruption and anti-negative phenomena, thereby contributing to consolidating and enhancing the people’s trust in the Party, State, and regime.

Hai Au