National Power Consumption Soars to an All-Time High, Surpassing 1 Billion kWh in a Single Day for the First Time

On May 28, 2024, the nation witnessed a record-breaking electricity consumption of 1.0019 billion kWh. This remarkable achievement marks a historic first, as it is the initial time that the country's daily electricity consumption has surpassed the 1-billion-kWh milestone.


According to the Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN)’s announcement on May 29, the scorching heat and oppressive humidity experienced in many regions of the country during the last days of May 2024 led to record-breaking national electricity consumption.

Data from the National Load Dispatch Center revealed that while the system’s peak capacity as of May 28 had not surpassed the previous record from late April (47,670 MW), the national electricity consumption on that day reached a new historic high of 1.0019 billion kWh. This marks the first time that daily electricity consumption in Vietnam has exceeded 1 billion kWh.

In the North, specifically, recent days have been uncomfortably warm, but the region has not yet experienced the peak of the hot season. Electricity consumption in the North has increased significantly in terms of both capacity and output but has not surpassed previous records. As a result, electricity consumption in the North is expected to continue rising, intensifying the pressure on power supply during potential future heatwaves.

Checking electrical equipment during the hot season.

To ensure a stable electricity supply during the hot summer of 2024, which is already facing unfavorable weather conditions, EVN appeals to the public and electricity users for their continued cooperation and proactive action in practicing energy conservation, especially during peak hours from 11:00 to 15:00 in the afternoon and from 19:00 to 23:00 in the evening.

It is important to use air conditioning reasonably, turning it on only when necessary and setting the temperature to 26–27°C or higher. Additionally, avoid using multiple high-power electrical appliances simultaneously during peak hours. Practicing energy conservation not only reduces the risk of power incidents but also helps keep electricity bills from soaring.

Previously, to guarantee a stable power supply in 2024 and the following years, the Prime Minister directed EVN and other units to synchronously implement solutions for the optimal operation of the power system and the electricity market. These solutions include enhancing electricity imports, accelerating investment and construction, and encouraging electricity users to practice energy conservation and improve efficiency.

The National Load Dispatch Center has been tasked with establishing optimal operating methods and managing the power system and electricity market. They also develop power supply scenarios and regularly update factors related to power generation, load demand, and hydrological conditions to proactively plan and adjust the operation of the power system. The Power Corporations/Companies closely coordinate with the Provincial People’s Committees to effectively implement energy conservation programs and solutions to meet the targets set by the Prime Minister in Directive No. 20/CT-TTg dated June 8, 2023.

Following the Prime Minister’s instructions, EVN has been vigorously executing tasks and solutions, investing in and constructing projects to ensure the progress of key power source and grid projects.

Currently, EVN and its units are focusing their utmost efforts on completing the construction of the 500 kV transmission line, Quảng Trạch – Phố Nối, in accordance with the Prime Minister’s requirements.