Online Rice Seed Scam: Victims Deceived Out of 7.8 Billion VND


The Thai Binh Provincial Police have initiated legal proceedings and launched an investigation into three cases of “fraudulent appropriation of property” that occurred in the cyber realm. Seven individuals, including Nguyen Van Thinh (b. 1987), Tran Thi Huong (b. 1987), Nguyen Van Dai (b. 1981), Nguyen Thi Thu (b. 1988), Nguyen Van Duong (b. 1986), Nguyen Tien Lam (b. 1988), and Ha Thi Cham (b. 2000), all residing in Song Lo District, Vinh Phuc Province, have been indicted.

Prior to this, numerous reports surfaced across various media outlets, including testimonies from Thai Binh residents and others nationwide, regarding the purchase of low-quality VST-899 rice seeds advertised on Facebook pages. In response, the Thai Binh Provincial Police instructed the Department of Cyber Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention to collaborate with the Criminal Police Department to promptly verify and investigate the matter.

Facebook advertisements posted by the accused.

Through swift and skillful investigative work, the authorities identified three groups comprising the aforementioned seven individuals from Song Lo District, Vinh Phuc Province. These groups employed deceptive tactics by harvesting rice from their own fields and purchasing additional low-cost rice. They then packaged the rice in 1kg plastic bags, affixed fake VST-899 labels, and proceeded to market their product.

To attract customers, they sourced images and videos from the internet and ran advertisements on Facebook pages. However, it was discovered that the VST-899 rice variety does not exist in Vietnam, and the information disseminated by these groups was entirely fictitious.

During the execution of search warrants at the residences of the accused, law enforcement seized incriminating evidence, including various types of rice, plastic bags, VST-899 labels, and machinery.

The investigation revealed that from approximately May 2023 to the present, the three groups, employing similar deceptive tactics, fulfilled over 23,000 orders nationwide, amounting to an estimated VND 7.8 billion in illicit gains.

The Thai Binh Provincial Police are actively expanding their investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice in accordance with the law.

In light of this case, the Thai Binh Provincial Police advise the public to exercise caution when purchasing rice seeds or other agricultural products advertised on social media platforms. It is recommended to opt for reputable sources that provide clear information about the origin and authenticity of their products. If individuals or organizations are found to be engaging in similar fraudulent activities, they should be promptly reported to the nearest police station or the Criminal Police Department of Thai Binh Provincial Police at 228 Tran Thanh Tong, Le Hong Phong Ward, Thai Binh City. Contact number: 0692760273.

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