Four years after a devastating landslide, the highland regions of Quang Nam Province remain in disarray, as seen in this video by Nguyen Thanh.

Following the landslide, a project to invest in the construction and restoration of county roads (known as DH roads) in the affected areas of Phuoc Son District, traversing four communes (Phuoc Duc, Phuoc Chanh, Phuoc Kim, and Phuoc Thanh), was initiated three years ago. The Phuoc Kim-Phuoc Thanh section, spanning 10 kilometers, was allocated a total investment of VND 150 billion, while the Phuoc Thanh-Phuoc Loc section, measuring 10.21 kilometers in length, received a total investment of VND 152 billion. However, as observed by Tien Phong reporters, these roads remain in a state of disarray, with repairs progressing slowly despite the impending rainy season. Many sections of the roads appear untouched by any restoration efforts.

The progress of repairing the two roads leading to the highland communes has been sluggish. In certain areas, construction units have only recently begun building and repairing bridge and drainage systems, while other damaged sections remain unattended. The stretch from Phuoc Cong to Phuoc Loc, in particular, still bears the unmistakable marks of the landslide that occurred four years ago.

According to the leadership of Phuoc Son District, the project to restore and rebuild the DH roads in the area was not designated as an urgent one, necessitating the completion of relevant procedures before construction could commence. Consequently, from the end of 2020, when the roads were severely damaged, it took almost a year for the project to secure the necessary approvals for construction to begin. Nonetheless, three years into the construction, the roads remain a patchwork of disarray, with evident traces of the landslide still visible.

Mr. Ho Van Duc, a resident of Village 2 in Phuoc Loc Commune, shared that the road repairs have been unreasonably slow, with many sections left untouched, making travel extremely challenging for locals. During the rainy season, residents refrain from using these roads due to the constant threat of landslides.

A massive boulder that tumbled onto the road during the catastrophic landslide in 2020 remains untouched along the route through Phuoc Loc Commune in Phuoc Son District.

Several landslide sites in Phuoc Loc and Phuoc Thanh Communes remain in disarray, awaiting completion. According to the schedule, the recovery projects should be finished by 2024. However, given the current pace and state of construction, it appears unlikely that the roads will be completed as planned.

Mr. Ho Van Long, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Phuoc Loc Commune, stated that while the residents affected by the 2020 landslide have now settled down, transportation remains a significant challenge due to the delayed road repairs. The commune authorities have repeatedly urged the district to expedite the construction process, but to no avail. Many landslide-affected sections seem untouched by any construction efforts. “With the onset of each rainy season, the commune authorities must convene meetings with the villagers to advise them against traveling on these roads due to the high risk of landslides and flash floods. Prolonged rainfall can quickly trigger landslides, leaving the highland communes isolated,” Mr. Long added.

Mr. Le Quang Trung, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Phuoc Son District, attributed the slow construction progress to unfavorable weather conditions and the surge in construction material prices, which have exceeded the approved budget, causing contractors to proceed with caution.

The cautious approach adopted by the contractors has inevitably impacted the project timeline, affecting the lives of highland residents who have already endured significant losses due to natural disasters.

Previously, in December 2023, the People’s Committee of Quang Nam Province had directed the People’s Committee of Phuoc Son District to conduct a serious review and draw lessons from the delays in construction, acceptance, and payment for the project to restore and rebuild the DH roads in the area.

A local resident’s vehicle breaks down due to the poor road conditions, characterized by rocks and potholes. Traveling on these landslide-prone, uneven roads has become a nightmare for residents in the affected areas of Phuoc Son District.

These landslide-prone roads, filled with rocks and potholes, are only passable by trucks and vehicles with high ground clearance. During the rainy season, the roads become slippery and muddy, increasing the risk of accidents and endangering the lives and property of travelers.

Regarding the roads in the landslide-affected areas, the People’s Committee of Quang Nam Province has requested that the authorities of Phuoc Son District urgently direct the acceleration of construction, recover advances as committed, review the entire construction period, and impose penalties for contract delays. However, according to the Chairman of the People’s Committee of Phuoc Son District, the administration cannot take stringent action against the contractors and construction units but can only “encourage” them to continue work despite the high construction material prices. The district is also assisting the units in obtaining permits to exploit construction material mines in the area, but this process is facing legal procedure challenges.

A partially repaired section of the road in Phuoc Loc Commune has been left unfinished for several months. The selection of contractors for the road restoration and reconstruction projects in the landslide-affected areas of Phuoc Son District has raised questions and concerns among local residents and commune officials regarding their competence and commitment, given the apparent neglect and slow progress that has plagued these billion-dollar projects.

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