Speaking at the conference, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh emphasized that the “Vietnamese Intellectuals and Experts Forum Abroad in 2024” is a very important event, demonstrating the special attention of the Party and State. He also affirmed the role, position, and contributions of the overseas Vietnamese community to the country.

Acknowledging the heartfelt, responsible, and practical opinions of the delegates, the Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, and relevant agencies to comprehensively synthesize and maximize the opinions, proactively take appropriate and timely measures within their functions, tasks, and authority. He also emphasized creating more favorable conditions for overseas Vietnamese and promptly reporting to competent authorities on matters beyond their jurisdiction.

Informing the conference about the global and regional situation, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh stated that the world is undergoing rapid, profound, complex, and unpredictable changes, presenting unprecedented challenges and difficulties. He highlighted the coexistence of peace and war, tension and relaxation, stability and conflict in different parts of the world.

According to the Prime Minister, within this general context, the Asia-Pacific-Indian Ocean region and ASEAN are increasingly asserting their role as a dynamic driving force and will continue to be one of the leading regions in the 21st century. For Vietnam, opportunities and favorable conditions are intertwined with difficulties and challenges, with the latter outweighing the former.


In this context, Vietnam steadfastly upholds three fundamental factors and six key policies. After nearly 40 years of reform, the country has achieved important and historically significant accomplishments, as the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed: “Our country has never had such a mighty potential, strength, prestige, and international standing as today.”

Sharing information about the six major policies for national development in the coming time, based on the consistent views of the Party and State and the contributions of the overseas Vietnamese community, the Prime Minister conveyed three messages to the overseas Vietnamese, along with three orientations and three focal points in the work related to overseas Vietnamese.

According to the Prime Minister, overseas Vietnamese have made significant contributions to Vietnam’s development in recent years. Photo: Quang Phuc.

Regarding the “3 messages,” the Prime Minister stressed that the “overseas Vietnamese community is an integral part and a resource of the Vietnamese ethnic community.” This is a consistent and overarching policy of the Party and State. The year 2025, which marks the 80th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and the 50th anniversary of the Reunification Day, will be an opportunity to promote and foster great national unity and harmony, looking towards the future.

Additionally, the country expects and believes in the overseas Vietnamese community’s contribution to the cause of building and defending the nation—a great source of strength for the nation.

On the “3 orientations,” the Prime Minister clarified that the work related to overseas Vietnamese must fully demonstrate and promote the tradition of great national unity. All policies must embody this spirit.

It is also necessary to harness the tremendous patriotism and love for the homeland of overseas Vietnamese, along with actively and effectively demonstrating the sentiment, trust, and responsibility of the Party and State in taking care of the overseas Vietnamese community.

The work concerning overseas Vietnamese needs to be comprehensive, inclusive, and well-coordinated between the political system and the entire population. It should combine the development of mechanisms and policies with community mobilization and support.

Regarding the “3 focal points,” Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh mentioned that the primary focus is to support overseas Vietnamese in stabilizing their lives, doing business confidently, integrating well, and developing strongly in the host country’s society. The second focus is to build a strong and cohesive community, and the third is to take care of, support, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the community.

Additionally, we must continue to promote and find new driving forces to unite the community with each other and with the homeland. There is a constant need to innovate methods of support and mobilize overseas Vietnamese to contribute to national construction, harnessing their potential and strengths to contribute to the homeland and build the identity of overseas Vietnamese.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh meeting and conversing with overseas Vietnamese attending the conference. Photo: Quang Phuc.

“The responsibility to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the overseas Vietnamese community rests with the Party, State, ministries, sectors, localities, the entire political system under the leadership of the Party, with the aim of maximizing the strength of the overseas Vietnamese community in the cause of building and defending the Fatherland,” the Prime Minister emphasized. “Building and developing the overseas Vietnamese community as an important bridge, a source of strength, and a driving force to promote substantive and effective integration, harnessing the strength of great national unity, is essential for our country to catch up, move forward, and surpass others in today’s world.”


The Prime Minister affirmed that the Party, State, and Government would always create conditions and ensure the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Vietnamese regarding land, housing, citizenship, residence, and investment and business environment. Comrade To Lam, General Secretary of the Party Central Committee and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, recently emphasized the need to focus on removing institutional obstacles and creating the most favorable conditions for activities that contribute to national construction.

Based on this, the Prime Minister requested that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs continue to promote their role as the common house and a trusted address for overseas Vietnamese, bringing them closer to the homeland. They should also innovate and diversify their work in propaganda, external information, and supporting overseas Vietnamese in preserving the Vietnamese language and promoting the cultural identity and fine traditions of the Vietnamese people.

The Prime Minister urged ministries, sectors, and localities to renew their development thinking, take proactive actions, and promptly remove difficulties and obstacles. They should also create mechanisms and policies that facilitate overseas Vietnamese and businesses to invest and do business and support the people in the country.

The Prime Minister requested that ministries, sectors, and localities listen to and apply the contributions of overseas Vietnamese in reality and implement proactive and positive solutions. It is important to note that, along with material contributions, the contributions of overseas Vietnamese in terms of intelligence, ideas, initiatives, and scientific and technological knowledge are invaluable resources for the country’s development.

Representatives of agencies, ministries, and localities attending the conference. Photo: Quang Phuc.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh expressed his hope that the overseas Vietnamese community would increasingly stabilize their lives, legal status, and deeply and comprehensively integrate, enhancing their political status in the host countries.

The Prime Minister suggested that the community should unite and strengthen itself, thereby contributing to consolidating the country’s position. On that basis, they can also help improve the community’s position in the host country. Overseas Vietnamese should continue to propose breakthrough ideas and initiatives and put forward specific solutions to further promote the effectiveness of the community’s resources for national development.

Particularly in the fields of science, technology, and innovation, the Prime Minister was pleased to learn that Vietnamese intellectuals and experts are a strong force in universities, research institutes, and multinational corporations in many countries. He encouraged them to provide advice, especially in developing science and technology and new fields such as semiconductors and artificial intelligence. They should also propose specific projects, replicate good models, and directly participate in the implementation process.

Recalling the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh, “Unity, unity, great unity. Success, success, great success,” the Prime Minister shared, “With the love for the homeland, traditional and modern cultural values, we believe that the overseas Vietnamese community, an integral part of the Vietnamese community, will continue to promote its strengths and intelligence, develop strongly, play the role of a bridge between Vietnam and the world, combine national strength with the strength of the era, and live up to the tradition of being descendants of Lac Hong, realizing the aspiration of building a powerful and prosperous country, standing side by side with the leading countries of the five continents, as beloved President Ho Chi Minh wished.”

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