At the National Sales and Marketing Camp (VSMCamp) and the 8th Summit of Sales and Marketing Directors (CSMOSummit), Mr. Hoang Nam Tien, Vice President of the FPT University Board of Directors, shared his insights on sustainable development in the AI era.
According to Mr. Tien, by 2045, we will only need around 20-30% of our current workforce, along with a greater number of robots than humans (approximately 10 billion) to suffice. This led him to question, what will the billions of people of working age do?
“The AI era is already upon us, and we weren’t ready for it. In November 2022, when ChatGPT was released, we laughed at it, but today we cannot deny that this technology has become democratized, allowing anyone to access it.
As I mentioned, factory workers will lose their jobs to dark factories – factories without lights or bathrooms because robots work tirelessly. Robots work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, never asking for a 13th-month salary or vacation days. Moreover, the cost of robot labor is currently only $4.50 per hour and continues to decrease. Therefore, we cannot compete when it comes to cheap labor anymore,” Mr. Tien described the current reality of the AI era.

Mr. Hoang Nam Tien also stated that many professions, including Sales and Marketing, will soon become obsolete. He predicted that ordinary people will become what is known as the “useless-class” within the next 3-5 years, despite their education and decent livelihoods.
“I believe that in the near future, artificial intelligence and big data will become the key to societal development. Based on AI, big data, and purchasing habits, one can analyze consumer behavior and how people have behaved in the past six months. At a higher level, AI can even analyze how people react to policies and regulations implemented by governments.”
In the face of the rapidly evolving AI era, Mr. Hoang Nam Tien, Vice President of the FPT University Board of Directors, asserted that there are still three things that artificial intelligence cannot replace in humans.
“Let’s assign to artificial intelligence the tasks it performs better than us. Instead of comparing ourselves to AI in terms of speed, memory, or calculation, let’s focus on three essential human qualities: curiosity, creativity, and emotional intelligence.
If we maintain these three qualities, AI will simply become an extension of human intelligence, and it will work alongside us,” said Mr. Hoang Nam Tien.
During this sharing session, Mr. Tien emphasized the importance of unlearning to relearn in the AI era. He asserted, “If Microsoft Word and PowerPoint used to be considered essential skills, now it’s all about AI and big data. The most important qualities for young people today are independent thinking and the ability to argue rationally. At FPT, for example, there are five mandatory AI applications that even security guards have to learn. We must adapt and evolve before life forces us to change.”
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