Determined to Build a Stronger Vietnam

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasizes that the entire Party, people, and army are determined to build a more prosperous, civilized, cultured, and heroic Vietnam in accordance with the direction of socialism.


On the occasion of the 94th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (3.2.1930 – 3.2.2024), General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong wrote an important article.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong: The renewal process has achieved great historic achievements, bringing about significant and positive changes for the country in nearly 40 years. Photo: NHAT BAC

Never before has Vietnam had the current stature and position

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized that the Communist Party of Vietnam was founded on 3-2-1930, which means that by February 3, 2025, our Party will celebrate its 95th anniversary and by 2030, it will be 100 years old. These are brilliant milestones of great historical significance for our Party, our country, and our people.

In order to contribute practically to the celebration of the 94th anniversary of the Party’s foundation on 3-2-2024, to arouse pride in the glorious Party, the great President Ho Chi Minh, and the heroic Vietnamese nation; to enhance belief in the leadership of the Party and the bright future of our country and our people; as well as to further elevate the responsibilities of officials and Party members throughout the political system, to continue promoting the patriotic and revolutionary spirit of the entire nation, and to determine to build our country into an increasingly prosperous, powerful, civilized, and heroic nation, we need to objectively and comprehensively review and evaluate the main results, achievements, and lessons of our Party, our country, and our people through the historical stages.

The General Secretary clarified the renewal process, including the development of a market-oriented socialist economy, which has achieved great historic achievements and truly brought about significant and positive changes for the country in nearly 40 years, contributing to “Vietnam never before having the current stature, potential, position, and international prestige.”

Thanks to the implementation of the renewal policy, the economy has started to grow continuously at a relatively high rate for the past 40 years, with an average annual growth rate of nearly 7%. The GDP scale has constantly expanded, reaching about 430 billion USD in 2023, making Vietnam the fifth largest economy in ASEAN and the 35th largest economy in the world. The average GDP per capita has increased 58 times to about 4,300 USD in 2023.

The United Nations has recognized Vietnam as one of the leading countries in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Vietnam’s happiness index in 2023 was ranked 65th out of 137 countries. Along with China, Vietnam has been evaluated by the World Bank as two pioneering countries in educational reform and has made remarkable progress in this field.

While not yet providing free healthcare for the entire population, Vietnam has expanded compulsory and voluntary health insurance coverage, reaching 93.35% (compared to only 5.4% in 1993); at the same time, it has focused on enhancing preventive and epidemic control health care, supporting disadvantaged groups. Many previously common diseases have been successfully controlled. The poor, children under 6 years old, and the elderly receive free health insurance.

Diplomacy reflects the “Vietnamese bamboo”

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stressed that under the conditions of nation-building, in peace, our Party has always been resolute and competent in fulfilling the task of protecting the Motherland. It has issued and directed the successful implementation of many strategies to protect the Motherland in different periods, most recently the Resolution of the 8th Central Committee, 13th term on the Strategy for protecting the Motherland in the new situation.

Accordingly, the focus is on the successful implementation of comprehensive political tasks: Economically and socially developing as the center, Party building as the key, developing culture as the spiritual foundation, and ensuring national defense and security as crucial and regular tasks. Resolutely maintaining the goals of national independence and socialism; resolutely, persistently, proactively seizing opportunities, firmly protecting independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity…

Strengthening investment in building the people’s national defense, people’s security, and the people’s armed forces, meeting the requirements of protecting the Motherland from early on, ensuring national security even before it is directly threatened; absolutely not allowing passivity or surprise in any situation. Dealing flexibly, effectively, and appropriately with complex situations at sea and on the borders.

“In nearly 40 years of renewal, our Party has inherited and brought into play the essence of our national identity, roots, and traditions, selectively assimilating the quintessence of the world and the progressive ideology of the era, developing on the theoretical basis of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, forming a very distinctive and unique foreign relations and diplomacy with the authentic ‘Vietnamese bamboo’ spirit,” emphasized the General Secretary.

Vietnam has now established comprehensive strategic partnerships or strategic partnerships with all 5 Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council and expanded economic and trade relations with 230 countries and territories…

The successful reception of General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping, President of the United States Joe Biden, Party General Secretary and State President of Laos Thongloun, and Party General Secretary of Cambodia Hun Sen, as well as many former heads of state from various countries visiting Vietnam, has been evaluated as events of great historical significance, contributing to affirming “Vietnam’s current international stature and prestige is unprecedented.”

Vietnam’s economy has developed rapidly in recent years. In the photo: Cai Mep – Thi Vai Port in Ba Ria – Vung Tau province. Photo: HOANG TRIEU

Resolutely eliminating corruption

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong also emphasized the priority of focusing on effectively implementing some key tasks in the coming period.

Firstly, in terms of economic development, it is necessary to deeply and thoroughly implement the Party’s guidelines and the state’s laws and policies on rapid and sustainable development. Emphasize strengthening the macroeconomic foundation, controlling inflation; maintaining the stable and safe development of the banking system, monetary market, real estate, securities, and corporate bonds. Prioritize improving the investment and business environment…

Secondly, in terms of cultural and social development, it is necessary to pay more attention to the task of harmonious and commensurate development of culture and society with economic development; ensuring social security and welfare; continuously improving the material and spiritual lives of the people…

Thirdly, in terms of national defense, security, and foreign affairs, it is necessary to consolidate and strengthen national defense and security capabilities; maintain political stability, social order, and safety; enhance the effectiveness of international relations and integration. Actively prevent and resolutely struggle against sabotage plots of hostile forces and reactionaries; absolutely not allow passivity or surprise in any situation. Effectively organize foreign activities, especially high-level diplomacy; proactively and actively deepen relations with partners…

Fourthly, in terms of Party building and the political system, it is necessary to continue to promote and improve the building and rectification of the Party and the political system, truly clean, strong, especially the legislative, executive, and judicial agencies from the central to local levels. Build the Government, local authorities that are truly clean, upright, strong, effective, efficient.

The General Secretary emphasized the need to do better in personnel work, selecting and arranging the right people who are truly ethical, capable, honest, enthusiastic, and truly devoted to the country, for the leadership positions in the state apparatus. Resolutely struggle to eliminate corruption, negative phenomena associated with promoting the construction, completion of the legal system, mechanisms, policies to “not be able to, dare not, and not want to commit corruption.”

Fifthly, in preparation for Party congresses at all levels, leading to the 14th National Party Congress, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong proposed that the preparatory subcommittees for the 14th Party Congress need to urgently and seriously take the lead, coordinate with the Central Party committees, ministries, and local Party committees, administrations; do well in the work of planning and personnel work at all levels, especially planning and personnel work for the 14th Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat, term 2026 – 2031; prepare and carry out well the Party congresses at all levels for the term 2025 – 2030, leading to the 14th National Party Congress.

“Proud of the glorious Party, the great President Ho Chi Minh, and the heroic Vietnamese nation; having confidence in the enlightened leadership of the genuine revolutionary Party and the united, civilized, and heroic Vietnamese nation, the entire Party, the entire people, the entire army is determined to build a Vietnam that is increasingly prosperous, powerful, civilized, and heroic in the direction of socialism,” concluded the General Secretary’s article.

Upholding a high sense of initiative and setting an example

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized the continued promotion of innovation, striving, taking advantage of every opportunity, favorable conditions; overcoming all difficulties and challenges, successfully implementing the programs, plans, objectives, and tasks set for the term of the 13th National Party Congress until 2030. In particular, it is necessary to thoroughly grasp and creatively apply the lessons learned from the 13th Party Congress.

Accordingly, it is necessary to firmly grasp and seriously implement the Party’s Statutes, Charter, working regulations, policies and guidelines, laws, and state policies. The collective of the Politburo, the Party Central Committee, and each Politburo member, Party Central Committee member must strictly comply with the work regulations; operate on the basis of the work regulations, the whole term program, and the annual program.

Each Politburo member, Party Central Committee member needs to set a high sense of initiative, regularly cultivate, train, and improve their revolutionary ethics; seriously self-reflect, self-correct, self-criticize and criticize; have firm and correct ideological and political views; be a model of morality and lifestyle in work and life for themselves, their families, and close relatives. Vigilantly avoid the situation of “While my feet are still muddy/ I carry the torch to guide others’ feet!”