Complete 220kV Nha Trang – Thap Cham Transmission Line

Central Power Management Board (CPMB) has recently collaborated with relevant units to complete the construction of a dual-circuit 220kV transmission line from Nha Trang to Thap Cham.


220kV Nha Trang – Thap Cham Overhead Line Project Photo: VGP/Toan Thang

The 220kV Nha Trang – Thap Cham (circuit 1) transmission line project and the 220kV Nha Trang – Thap Cham (circuit 2) overhead line project are invested by National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT), managed by Project Management Board (CPMB), and operated by Power Transmission Company 3. The project started in December 2017.

The project includes the construction of a 220kV transmission line with 2 circuits, over 88km long, passing through 176 tower locations in Ninh Thuan and Khanh Hoa provinces; the construction of two new 220kV outbound substations (1 circuit each) at Nha Trang 220kV substation (Khanh Hoa province) and two 220kV outbound circuits (1 circuit each), one loop breaker and line isolation switch at Thap Cham 220kV substation (Ninh Thuan province).

The objective of the project is to create a 220kV network connecting the coastal region of Central Vietnam, enhancing the power supply reliability to the area. Ensuring safe operation, improving the power supply reliability to Khanh Hoa and Ninh Thuan provinces, meeting the demand for connecting solar power plants and wind power plants to the 110kV, 220kV grid in Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan provinces in the near future.

According to the Central Vietnam Power Projects Management Board, the project faced many objective difficulties and challenges during the construction process, such as difficulties in land acquisition compensation, challenging construction conditions due to many tower positions located on mountain tops, difficult terrain, and challenging weather conditions with strong winds that caused many difficulties in foundation casting, tower erection, and conductor pulling. In addition, the transmission line crosses with many power-off lines in the area, so registering power outages took a lot of time….

Representatives of Central Vietnam Power Projects Management Board, Ninh Thuan Power Transmission Company and related units witness the project’s power closing moment – Photo: CPMB

However, with positive support from local authorities, close direction of Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) and EVNNPT, the project ensured the planned progress. To ensure the project’s progress, the EVNNPT has established a Steering Committee for the 220kV Nha Trang – Thap Cham transmission line project, led by the Deputy General Director, and the Central Vietnam Power Projects Management Board also established local Steering Committees in Khanh Hoa and Ninh Thuan provinces to manage, implement, control, supervise, and resolve arising issues.

The completion of the project is a practical activity to commemorate the 94th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam (3/2/1930-3/2/2024). After being put into operation, this transmission line will create a network linking the coastal region of Central Vietnam, ensuring the energy supply for economic development and contributing to the release of power capacity of renewable energy sources in Ninh Thuan and Khanh Hoa provinces.