Prime Minister: Building and enhancing institutions to create new resources, motivation for development

In conclusion of the Government's specialized session on law building in January, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh emphasized that institutions, mechanisms, and policies are the source of development and must undergo innovative thinking and approaches to generate new resources, motivation, and inspiration for the whole society, mobilizing comprehensive strengths for development.


On January 29, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a Government meeting on the construction of legal documents in January 2024 to discuss 5 contents, including 3 draft laws: Law on Amending and Supplementing Some Articles of the Security Law, Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking (amended), Law on Notary Practice (amended); and 2 proposed laws: Law on the Execution of Civil Judgments (amended), Law on Corporate Income Tax (amended).

The Prime Minister affirmed that institutional mechanisms, policies are the source of development. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate thinking in the construction of legal documents – Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

At the meeting, the Government listened to the agencies in charge presenting a summary of draft laws and proposed laws, reporting and absorbing opinions on the construction of draft laws, synthesizing opinions of ministries and sectors, examining the process and preparation procedures, requirements, principles of law construction, ensuring consistency and uniformity with related legal provisions, referring to international experience, and analyzing deep-seated fundamental issues and diverse opinions on draft laws.

Regarding the draft Law on Amending and Supplementing Some Articles of the Security Law, the Prime Minister and members of the Government discussed clarifying the application of security measures to objects that are not suitable for security objects as prescribed by the Constitution; the necessity of applying security measures to objects that are not regulated as security objects in this law.

In the draft Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking (amended), the delegates suggested continuing to improve the related provisions on prevention and combat of human trafficking; inheriting proven and effective regulations; supplementing regulations to handle emerging difficulties and problems in practice.

Regarding the draft Law on Notary Practice (amended), the Government focused on discussing the jurisdiction, scope of detailed provisions for the implementation of the law; decentralization, delegation, administrative procedure reform; notary public standards; training, appointment, dismissal of notaries to improve the quality of notaries; organization of notary profession; social organization – profession of notary…

For the proposed Law on the Execution of Civil Judgments (amended), the members of the Government and invited guests discussed related contents, such as division of authority, power in the execution of civil judgments; control of power between relevant agencies; encouraging expansion of civil agreements, but must be recognized by law; ensuring the rights, obligations of citizens and responsible parties; sanctions, ensuring feasibility…

With the proposed Law on Corporate Income Tax (amended), the Government focused on discussions on solutions to implement policies to ensure consistency and uniformity in the legal system to create convenience, fairness for people, businesses when participating in the investment, business environment; specifying the subjects applying tax policies suitable to each type of enterprise, public agencies and units, performing political tasks…; preferential policies; sanctions against tax loss; ensuring transparency, preventing profiteering from policies during implementation; being in accordance with Vietnam’s international commitments in the current context of deep and wide economic integration.

Along with giving opinions on each content and assigning specific tasks to complete draft laws, proposed laws, concluding the meeting, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh acknowledged and highly appreciated the great efforts, high determination, and active preparation, submission of draft laws and proposed laws by ministries, and the serious absorption and explanation of the foundations; ensuring progress, quality; appreciating the enthusiastic opinions, responsibilities, and close connection with the high building spirit of Government members and the participating delegates.

The Prime Minister assigned Deputy Prime Ministers to direct ministries to seriously absorb and fully consider the opinions of Government members, complete the construction of draft laws, proposed laws, law projects, propose the Program for the Construction of Laws, statutes, and submit them according to regulations.

Emphasizing that “resources originate from thinking, motivation originates from innovation, and strength originates from the people,” the Prime Minister affirmed that institutional mechanisms, policies are the source of development. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate thinking in the construction of legal documents; have mechanisms, policies to mobilize comprehensive strength for development; innovate ways to create new resources, motivation, and inspiration for the development of the whole society.

The Prime Minister requested ministries, sectors to concentrate on leading, directing, especially the role of leaders in the construction of legal documents, improving institutions; investing human resources, resources to match strategic breakthroughs; improving the policy response capacity, removing difficulties, mobilizing resources, promoting socio-economic development; closely coordinating with ministries, sectors, committees of the National Assembly; listening to the opinions of experts, scientists, absorbing the opinions of the business community, the people, and continuing to refer to international experience, absorbing suitable contents to Vietnam’s conditions; strengthening digital transformation in institutional construction; enhancing law building propaganda, policy communication…

The Prime Minister asked to focus on promoting decentralization, authorization linked to resource allocation, strengthening inspection, supervision, control of power; minimizing unnecessary administrative procedures, reducing compliance costs for the people, businesses, removing all bottlenecks, mobilizing resources for development; creating a healthy development environment, regulating according to the market mechanism with a socialist orientation; avoiding “pleading – giving”, preventing group interests, policy corruption in the process of building and promulgating legal normative documents, strictly handling violations.

For some laws that have just been promulgated such as the Land Law (amended), laws related to real estate, housing…, the Prime Minister requested ministries, sectors, and relevant agencies to complete the construction of decrees, guiding circulars to promptly put the laws into practice, removing bottlenecks, promoting development./.

Nhat Quang