During the interview, Mr. Le Van Chien, Deputy Permanent Chairman of the People’s Committee of Dak Nong Province, revealed that there are 6 wind power plant projects in the area, with a total investment of billions of Vietnamese Dong.

Among them, only the Dak Hoa 1 wind power plant project (with a total capital of about 1,624 billion Vietnamese Dong) has been completed and started commercial operation.

“The other 5 wind power projects have not yet started operations due to various issues that need to be resolved after the conclusions of the Government Inspectorate. The local authorities are urgently directing the solutions to the identified issues. Dak Nong Province has also proposed to the government to establish mechanisms for the wind power projects to operate and avoid wasting resources”, said Mr. Chien.

5 out of 6 wind power projects are still inactive

Prior to this, the Government Inspectorate had issued conclusions pointing out several violations in wind power projects in Dak Nong Province.

Specifically, the People’s Committee of Dak Nong Province had issued decisions to approve the investment proposals for 6 wind power plant projects, including Nam Binh 1, Dak Hoa, Asian Dak Song 1, Dak N’Drung 1, 2, 3.

However, the locations of these wind power projects have not been zoned for the construction of energy facilities.

In particular, the 5 wind power projects were granted land leases by the People’s Committee of Dak Nong Province, with a total area of nearly 65 hectares located in the region planned for exploration, exploitation, processing, and use of bauxite from 2007 to 2015, considering the period until 2025, as approved by the Prime Minister.

Furthermore, the Government Inspectorate also pointed out several violations in the construction, acceptance, and commercial operation of wind power projects in Dak Nong Province.

Among them, the Nam Binh 1, Dak Hoa, Dak N’Drung 1, 2, 3 wind power plants started construction without the land being leased by the People’s Committee of Dak Nong Province.

In particular, the Nam Binh 1 wind power project started construction without the announcement of the technical design appraisal results by the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority (Ministry of Industry and Trade).

The Government Inspectorate also recommended that the Prime Minister assign the Ministry of Public Security to receive documents and materials for examination and investigation related to the management and use of land for the implementation of 5 wind power projects (except for the Asian Dak Song 1 wind power project, which has not yet been constructed) encroaching on planned land.

According to statistics, in Dak Nong Province, there are 6 wind power projects approved by the Prime Minister as amendments to the 7th Power Development Plan, including Dak N’Drung 1-100MW, Dak N’Drung 2-100MW, Dak N’Drung 3-100MW, Dak Hoa-50MW, Asian Dak Song 1-50MW, Nam Binh 1-30MW wind power projects.

Up to now, the Nam Binh 1 wind power project has completed its investment (with a total investment of over 1,000 billion Vietnamese Dong); the Dak N’Drung 1, 2, 3 wind power projects have invested about 5,800 billion out of 10,525 billion Vietnamese Dong (accounting for 55% of the total investment); the Asian Dak Song 1 wind power project is in the process of completing related procedures for construction.

If the 6 wind power projects are completed, it is estimated that they will contribute about 430MW to the national grid and contribute approximately 200 billion Vietnamese Dong to the state budget annually.

Hai Duong