Quyền Leo Daily Sets New Livestream Record, Reaches $32.5 Million in 11 Hours, Only 2 Hours Left to Hit $43 Million!

TikToker Quyền Leo Daily's 14-hour livestream event, aiming to achieve a turnover of 100 billion, is currently gaining significant attention across social media platforms.


Today, May 5th, the mega livestream of the TikToker couple Quyen Leo Daily (La Quoc Quyen – born in 1995 and Nguyen Lan Anh – born in 1992) is becoming the center of attention. The couple started livestreaming online sales from 10am with a variety of items from the food, cosmetics, electronics, household appliances industries, etc. It is known that the TikToker couple set a target of reaching 100 billion in revenue when the livestream ends at 24:00.

Up to now (21:20), after more than 11 hours of livestream, TikToker Quyen Leo Daily has achieved a turnover of 75 billion VND. This is a number that the couple broke their own record that they had achieved. Specifically, in March, the couple together achieved revenue of over VND 76.4 billion after 13 hours of livestream.

Quyen Leo Daily husband and wife celebrate reaching 75 billion VND after more than 11 hours of livestream

The couple broke their own record from before

Accordingly, the items in Quyen Leo Daily’s livestream are all committed to being the cheapest on the market. Not to mention, exclusive deals, gifts, applying discount voucher codes, so when they reach customers, they have surprisingly cheap prices. That is also the reason that before the livestream started, there were 200k people who clicked the interested button.

In addition, in the live session of Quyen Leo Daily, the number of viewers is always maintained at 25k – 36k views. At times, it even peaked at 60k views. The live session is expected to last until the end of May 5, so many people predict that the TikTok channel owner Quyen Leo Daily can completely reach the revenue target of 100 billion VND, or even exceed the set figure.

The number of viewers at the same time once reached 60k people