The TikTok Trend Among Vietnamese Coffee Chains: Highlands Reigns Supreme, Katinat Overtakes The Coffee House, and Chessee Leaves King Coffee Behind.


Despite economic fluctuations, 2023 was a vibrant year for the F&B industry with a boom in food and beverage trends, and the profound impact of social media platforms like TikTok and Livestream format.

According to, the F&B industry’s revenue grew by 11.47% in 2023, surpassing 590 trillion VND. In tandem with the sales recovery, social media data from YouNet Media’s Online Dashboard revealed a 10% increase in discussions about coffee shop chains, surpassing 1.48 million mentions compared to 2022.

Notably, the top 10 coffee shop chains generated over 10.7 million interactions across various social media platforms, including TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube. While they continued to employ traditional marketing tactics such as introducing new drinks, opening new branches, and creating interactive content, their ability to constantly “rejuvenate” their strategies helped them stand out and attract a dedicated following.

Highlands Coffee dominated the discussions with 563,878 mentions, a 29.65% increase from 2022, accounting for 38% of the total market share among the top 10 chains on social media. This remarkable performance solidified their position as the leading coffee shop chain for two consecutive years.

Although Highlands Coffee joined TikTok back in 2020, it was not until late 2022, with a refreshed approach, that their TikTok channel @highlandscoffeevietnam gained significant traction. In 2023, they further leveraged this platform by creating humorous situational videos, promoting products with trendy visuals and eye-catching effects, hosting live streaming events with exclusive deals, and collaborating with popular TikTok influencers for reviews. These efforts resulted in a substantial follower base and a remarkable 11-fold increase in discussions, totaling 38.4K mentions compared to the previous year.

Securing the second spot is the well-established Phúc Long Coffee & Tea with 234,017 discussions, although this number slightly decreased by 1.68% compared to 2022.

Notably, Katinat Saigon Kafe surpassed the prominent The Coffee House, claiming the third position with 212,025 discussions, a 17.89% increase from the previous year.

Katinat Saigon Kafe’s rise to fame can be attributed to their rainbow-colored drink, which went viral across social media platforms in late 2022. They further capitalized on this success by expanding their presence on TikTok, creating videos that aligned with the latest trends, such as “Flexing the Katinat lantern rabbit” and “Tips to escape singledom on the Seventh Eve.” As of now, their TikTok channel has amassed over 66K followers, nearly 500K likes, and an eightfold increase in discussions compared to 2022, accounting for 18.1% of the brand’s total discussion volume.

Cheese Coffee also made a remarkable leap, surpassing the premium coffee brand King Coffee to secure the #7 spot with 37,874 discussions. After making waves on TikTok in late 2022 with suggestions for aesthetic corners and trendy check-in spots, Cheese Coffee continued its momentum in 2023 by showcasing new branches, drinks, and packaging through videos reminiscent of European streets. Data from SocialHeat, a YouNet Media platform, indicated a threefold increase in discussions about Cheese Coffee on TikTok compared to the previous year. Additionally, they have been diversifying their content by incorporating situational videos and humorous sketches.

Overall, social media platforms, particularly TikTok, have become a dynamic arena for brands across various industries to engage with their audiences. This is especially crucial in maintaining momentum during periods of declining demand. According to the Mini Report SocialTrend Reply 2023, there were 3,018 hot trending topics on social media last year, generating over 208.5 million discussions and 1.69 billion interactions. This vibrant online environment presents a golden opportunity for brands to leverage trending topics and connect with their target audiences.

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