FPT IS Partners with the World’s Leading University Press


FPT IS and Oxford University Press (OUP) have joined forces to revolutionize English language teaching and learning in Vietnam. Through this partnership, the two organizations aim to bring a fresh approach to education by combining FPT IS’s cutting-edge technology solutions with OUP’s world-renowned educational content. This collaboration is set to create a new standard for English language education in the country, utilizing innovative technologies such as AI and VR/AR to engage and inspire young learners.

OUP, as a leading university press with a global reach, will provide standardized educational content, course evaluation certifications, and consulting services on content and quality management. FPT IS, on the other hand, will integrate this valuable content into their Meduverse solution, enhancing it with advanced technologies, technical operations, and business development. This partnership aims to not only benefit students in Vietnam but also expand to neighboring countries, offering a unique and engaging learning experience.

In the near future, Meduverse is set to incorporate the international edition of Family and Friends (2nd edition) into its curriculum. Family and Friends is one of OUP’s best-selling publications, with over 1 million copies sold in Vietnam and widespread adoption in Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, and other countries in the region. By combining OUP’s exceptional content with FPT IS’s technology, Meduverse will offer a fun and interactive way for students to learn and practice English, all while exploring a virtual universe filled with exciting adventures and educational content.

The collaboration between FPT IS and OUP was witnessed by His Excellency Iain Frew, the British Ambassador, during his high-level visit to Vietnam. This partnership holds great potential for the future of education in Vietnam, as it brings together the best of both worlds—combining educational excellence with technological innovation. “The year 2023 was a special one for Vietnam-UK relations as we celebrated 50 years of diplomatic ties,” said the Ambassador. “Our bilateral relationship has truly transformed, and education cooperation has become a central pillar. I am confident that through this partnership, we will see a synergistic combination of technology and education, creating a world-class digital education solution that meets the international standard of learning for Vietnamese and global students.”

The partnership aims to make Meduverse a pioneering platform for English language learning through gamification.

Sue Trory, Global Content Director at OUP, shared her enthusiasm for the collaboration: “Hearing about FPT IS’s new initiatives and their plans to revolutionize education through digital transformation was truly inspiring. This partnership between FPT IS and Oxford University Press marks a significant milestone in educational cooperation, reflecting our shared vision of a future where technology and education converge to create world-class digital learning experiences. Together, we aim to empower Vietnamese students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the digital age.”

Tran Dang Hoa, Chairman of FPT IS, emphasized the importance of this collaboration: “For FPT IS, this partnership provides a crucial stepping stone as we strive to perfect our educational technology capabilities and fulfill our mission of driving digital transformation in Vietnam’s key sectors. We aim to comprehensively apply technology to create a new model of learning, enhance student experiences, and elevate the country’s education sector. Additionally, this collaboration supports our vision of making Meduverse the leading Edtech solution in Vietnam and one of the top 10 in Southeast Asia.”

Students engaging in an immersive learning experience on the Meduverse platform.

The partnership between FPT IS and OUP aligns with the growing trend of Edtech, which is rapidly gaining traction in Vietnam and worldwide. Vietnam is currently among the top 10 countries with the fastest-growing Edtech platforms, with an impressive annual growth rate of 20.2% from 2019 to 2023 (according to the 2022 DataReport by Kepios). This collaboration is a significant step forward in the country’s educational landscape, offering students a dynamic and interactive way to learn and acquire new skills.

Previously, in 2023, OUP and FPT Schools partnered for the Oxford Quality program, which aimed to deliver high-quality English language teaching and learning experiences that met international standards. This latest collaboration between FPT IS and OUP builds on that foundation, further enhancing the educational offerings available to students in Vietnam and beyond.

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