A New Era of Leadership: General To Lam Elected as the Country’s President

General To Lam has been elected by the National Assembly as the new State President of Vietnam on May 22, 2023, during the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly.


On May 22nd, the National Assembly of Vietnam’s 15th term continued its 7th session at the Diên Hồng Hall, with the election of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the 2021-2026 term on the agenda.

Under the direction of Mr. Tran Thanh Man, the National Assembly Chair, the Assembly proceeded to vote on the resolution to elect the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the 2021-2026 term through an electronic vote.

The electronic voting results showed that 472 out of 473 delegates, or 96.92% of the total number of delegates present, agreed to the resolution. Thus, the National Assembly has passed the resolution to elect Mr. To Lam as the new President.

Mr. To Lam, the newly elected President

Following the vote, Mr. To Lam took the stage to take the oath of office. Placing his left hand on the Constitution and raising his right hand, he declared: “Under the sacred red flag with a yellow star of the Fatherland, before the National Assembly and voters across the country, I, the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, solemnly swear: Absolute loyalty to the Nation, the People, and the Constitution; dedication to fulfilling the tasks assigned by the Party, State, and People.”

In his inaugural address, President To Lam expressed his gratitude to the National Assembly for their trust and confidence in electing him as the President. He also thanked the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, and other Party and State leaders for their support and recommendation for this noble task.

The President emphasized his deep awareness of the great honor and responsibility bestowed upon him and his commitment to serving the country and its people, following the path chosen by the Communist Party and the beloved President Ho Chi Minh. He expressed his infinite gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh, the previous generations of leaders, and the millions of martyrs who fought and sacrificed for the country’s independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, as well as for the noble cause of socialism and international solidarity.

President To Lam acknowledged the wise, brilliant, and sensitive leadership of the Party, the resolute engagement of the entire political system, the unity and consensus of the people, and the support of international friends, which have brought the country to new heights of potential, prestige, and international standing. He recognized these achievements as crucial foundations for fulfilling his new responsibilities and meeting the expectations of the people in the next phase of the country’s development.

Acutely aware of his responsibilities to the Party, State, and People, the President pledged to diligently and fully carry out the duties and powers vested in the President by the Constitution. He committed to actively engaging in domestic and foreign affairs, national defense, and security matters, working together with the entire Party, people, and military, as well as organizations within the political system.

He emphasized the importance of promoting the spirit of “self-reliance, self-confidence, self-strengthening, and self-pride” and striving to successfully implement the Party’s policies, particularly the resolutions of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The President aims to contribute to the country’s goal of becoming a developed, high-income nation, in accordance with the socialist orientation, during the 100-year anniversary of the Party’s leadership and the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Based on the firm foundation of Marxist-Leninist ideology, Ho Chi Minh Thought, and the Party’s renewal policies, the President vowed to uphold the principles of independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, always putting the interests of the Nation and the happiness and well-being of the People first. He will work closely with relevant agencies to effectively perform tasks related to law-making and perfecting the legal system, building a rule-of-law socialist state of the people, by the people, and for the people in the new era.

Additionally, he will focus on establishing a modern, efficient, and advanced system of national governance and administration, as well as a professional and law-governed judiciary. He will sign international treaties on behalf of the State, foster great national unity, promote social progress and justice, improve the quality of life and happiness of the people, and lead and organize practical patriotic emulation movements in alignment with the study and following of Ho Chi Minh Thought, morality, and style.

In his address, the President also promised to foster unity within the collective of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, the Politburo, the Secretariat, and other key leaders. He committed to constantly cultivating revolutionary morality and setting a good example, striving to overcome all difficulties to successfully fulfill his assigned tasks. He will carry forward the revolutionary achievements, along with the entire Party, people, and military, building on the glorious traditions and valuable experiences of the Party and the nation, and promoting the strength of Vietnamese culture, spirit, and intelligence.

President To Lam emphasized the unity between the “will of the Party and the aspirations of the people,” combined with the determination and will of the nation to build and firmly defend the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. With the wisdom, mettle, and right decisions of the Party, and the support of the people, he expressed his confidence that the country will prosper, the people will thrive, and the nation will grow stronger, marching towards socialism and fulfilling the aspirations of President Ho Chi Minh and the entire nation.

General To Lam, aged 67, is a native of Van Giang district, Hung Yen province. He is a member of the 11th, 12th, and 13th Central Committees of the Communist Party of Vietnam, a member of the 12th and 13th Politburo, and a deputy of the 14th and 15th National Assemblies.

By: Nhật Quang