TDM earns over 8 billion VND in the first month of 2024

TDM Water (HOSE: TDM), a leading water company, has released its preliminary business results for January 2024. Total revenue reached VND 29 billion, while after-tax profit exceeded VND 8.3 billion, representing a 5% and 4% increase respectively compared to the same period last year.


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In January, TDM Water’s water consumption reached over 4.1 million m3, up 4% compared to the same period and achieved 6% of the annual plan (nearly 72 million m3). The water loss rate decreased from 1.5% to 0.43%.

As a result, the total revenue in January reached over 29 billion VND, up 5% compared to the same period and achieved 5% of the annual plan (564.5 billion VND), accounting for 99% of the total revenue from water production. After-tax profit reached over 8.3 billion VND, up 4% and achieved 4% of the annual profit plan (nearly 198 billion VND).

Reviewing the business results of 2023, TDM recorded a net revenue of 532.5 billion VND and an after-tax profit of over 283 billion VND, up 11% and 29% respectively compared to 2022. However, the company has not been able to fulfill its set targets as it only achieved 83% of the revenue target and 95% of the profit target for the year.

TDM’s business results from 2015-2023
