A Unique and Heartwarming Stock Exchange Business Rewards its Employees with an Unforgettable Lunar New Year Bonus: Some People Hugged to Their Hearts’ Content, Filling the Cars to the Brim on their Way Home

Amidst many businesses shutting down or downsizing, cutting year-end bonuses, and leaving employees unpaid, the fact that our staff members are not only receiving their salaries but also enjoying bonuses and gifts is indeed a cause for celebration.


The media channel of May Song Hong – Nghia Hung Joint Stock Company (Facebook: May Song Hong – Song Hong Nghia Hung Joint Stock Company) has just posted an article about the Lunar New Year celebration in the year of the Horse 2024. Accordingly, each employee will receive a Song Hong pure cotton mattress as a Lunar New Year gift, in addition to their regular salary. The company’s leadership has shared that this is a practical gift during the cold winter days, demonstrating their care for the material and spiritual well-being of the employees.

In the context where many businesses have to close or reduce their workforce, cut year-end bonuses, and owe salaries to their workers, the fact that the employees of May Song Hong receive both their salaries, bonuses, and gifts is something worth celebrating.

The Facebook page of May Song Hong – Nghia Hung Joint Stock Company has also posted images of the gift-giving event, where the employees receive the cotton mattresses.

May Song Hong – Nghia Hung Joint Stock Company is a subsidiary of May Song Hong Joint Stock Company (MSH), of which MSH holds 51% of the capital. May Song Hong is one of the leading manufacturers of garments and bedding products in Vietnam, with over 20 production workshops concentrated in Nam Dinh province.

Regarding MSH’s business performance, the company has just announced the financial statement for the fourth quarter of 2023, recording a net revenue increase of over 1% to 1,157 billion VND. As a result, MSH’s fourth-quarter profit has increased by one and a half times compared to the same period last year, reaching over 81 billion VND.

For the whole year of 2023, May Song Hong’s net revenue reached 4,542 billion VND, a decrease of nearly 18% compared to the previous year. After deducting expenses, this garment company made a post-tax profit of over 245 billion VND, a decrease of nearly 28%.